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HELP! I messed up my SWC


I messed up.

I had my Rfmx finder attached to my SWC and the shutter open and locked (T-position). Then I removed the finder while the shutter was still open and put a film back on and removed the darkslide. I realized my mistake and turned the lock to the O-position so the shutter closed.

But now, the shutter button is stuck pressed down, I cannot wind the camera or release the shutter. So everything is stuck.

I tried something similar before, and the camera had to go in for repair. Is there anything I can do?

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks.

I pressed down the shutter button further, which was then released. I was afraid to do this before, in case the spring got messed up or something. But it worked.
hi macmx
thanks for the great idea
next time consider using cable release
I think it will help to remind you to review
shutter button with every exposure
good luck
I think that using a cable release may have been the problem. I was reading the SWC 905 manual on Hasselblad Historical recently (, and on page 13, concerning the use of the focusing screen adapter, it says: "The cable release cannot be used. The 'T' lock is not operative when the cable release is used."

thanks for the clarefication arjuna
The 'T' lock is not operative with cable release; BUT
The 'O' position is operative with cable release.
thanks again