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Help - Hasselblad files will not load


New Member
Hello, i have a Hasselblad H4D and the pictures i upload to my computer will not read in Phocus or any other program.
In Phocus, the preview of the photos are shown, but when i import them, they turn completely black.
I have used all day to find the solution, but it is beyond my ability. anyone who has experienced the same or know what the issue is?

Kind regards
Hello, i have a Hasselblad H4D and the pictures i upload to my computer will not read in Phocus or any other program.
In Phocus, the preview of the photos are shown, but when i import them, they turn completely black.
I have used all day to find the solution, but it is beyond my ability. anyone who has experienced the same or know what the issue is?

Kind regards
Check your firmware levels .
Your H4D should be on 2.3.3 and your PHOCUS should be on 3.7.5
Also a question would be : Since when does the issue turn up ? Could you ever import the files properly ?
Thank you for your feedback . I will keep that in my mind .
I use SAN DISK CARDS only . Never ever had a problem .
Hi: I have same H4D you have. I have two of the regular grips (not the CR123). Would like to get an extra or see if I could get replacement or retrofit of batteries that I saw explained on Reddit but seemed beyond my skill level. I wonder why someone hasn’t set up a repair service for those of us still using the older H units. I love mine and I’ve got big lens investment and hate to have them gather dust.
I got a fugifilm gfx 100 II and Hasselblad adapter and lenses work with manual focus but not as comfortable feel. The adapter with H lenses on the gfx is heavier than the Fuji gfx lens. I like both cameras. They have their own function for me and hate to junk the H4D just because the company came up with A new line of gear. I love digital photography but I still use my film cameras too.
I know! A little off topic but I’d bet some photographer who has some electronics background would be surprised at how many H owners have battery needs for their units. In Omaha I know of 5 people who like me would pay a couple of hundred dollars for one grip with new rechargeable batteries. Seems like small price to keep a great camera alive and earning its keep.
Hi: I have same H4D you have. I have two of the regular grips (not the CR123). Would like to get an extra or see if I could get replacement or retrofit of batteries that I saw explained on Reddit but seemed beyond my skill level. I wonder why someone hasn’t set up a repair service for those of us still using the older H units. I love mine and I’ve got big lens investment and hate to have them gather dust.
I got a fugifilm gfx 100 II and Hasselblad adapter and lenses work with manual focus but not as comfortable feel. The adapter with H lenses on the gfx is heavier than the Fuji gfx lens. I like both cameras. They have their own function for me and hate to junk the H4D just because the company came up with A new line of gear. I love digital photography but I still use my film cameras too.
I know! A little off topic but I’d bet some photographer who has some electronics background would be surprised at how many H owners have battery needs for their units. In Omaha I know of 5 people who like me would pay a couple of hundred dollars for one grip with new rechargeable batteries. Seems like small price to keep a great camera alive and earning its keep.
I had the same issues - it seems easy to change the lithium battery with a new cell, and attach the wires by soding.
I had the same issues - it seems easy to change the lithium battery with a new cell, and attach the wires by soding.
I followed the series of messages on Reddit about how to replace the lithium cell. Some of the messages even included photos. And some of the messages talked about how you had to alter the grip a bit to make a replacement self fit. It was an interesting series of messages, sometimes it got off-topic About other ways to replace the cell and I got confused. The people who contributed to the messages seem to be quite familiar with electronics. I wasn’t sure if I knew what to do to add new cells and solder them Placed them into the grip.