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New Member
I just got a hassy 500c and I believe I have everything setup correct. I took extra care to load film and advance correctly. However when I attach the back I cannot take a picture. If I take the back off the action works and I can wind the camera forward. Is there something stupid that I am doing or not doing. Please give a novice some help.
Hi David,

> I just got a hassy 500c and I believe I have everything setup correct. > I took extra care to load film and advance correctly. However when I > attach the back I cannot take a picture. If I take the back off the > action works and I can wind the camera forward. Is there something > stupid that I am doing or not doing. Please give a novice some help.

Did you remove the dark-slide? Does the back you are using require you to reset the frame counter by turining the advance in the opposite direction until it resets?

