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Help - aperture stuck

Need some help guys. The aperture blades on my 250 CF lens are stuck open. They will not close down, neither while actually shooting, nor with the DOF button. Any suggestions on a "quick fix" or quality repair shop would be greatly appreciated. I live in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Michael H. Cothran
Hi Terry, Michael,

Terry you are right.

The small plastic ring that commands the aperture is broken.
The lens needs to be opened so that this part that is located in the shutter/ aperture assembly can be exchanged.

Nothing major but a job best left to a good technician.
David Odess is an excellent choice.
Hi Terry, Michael,

Terry you are right.

The small plastic ring that commands the aperture is broken.
The lens needs to be opened so that this part that is located in the shutter/ aperture assembly can be exchanged.

Nothing major but a job best left to a good technician.
David Odess is an excellent choice.



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Thanks. I have David's contact info at hand, but before I go further, I wanted to ask if any of you have any opinion or knowledge about Forrest Camera Repair in Henderson, Tennessee who advertise that they specialize in Hasselblad repair.

The point of me asking this, is that Forrest Camera Repair is about 20 minutes by car from my house, making it significantly more convenient. I just now found them online when I googled David Odess. Forrest Camera Repair came up second when I googled "Hasselblad repair," so they must be decent at least.
While I certainly would trust David Odess based on this forum's recommendation, I would rather deliver the lens in person 20 minutes up the road, than ship it back & forth to New England, all else being somewhat equal.
Unless anyone has a real objection to Forrest Camera Repair, it just makes more sense on so many levels to use them.
Michael H. Cothran

It is not a difficult job. Any repairshop with Hasselblad experience should be able to do the repair.
It takes 1-1.5 hours for a trained technician to replace the ring.

I too would rather have the job done by someone local.
Please report what your findings are at Forrest.
