I work at a camera store in edmonton alberta canada and we take trade ins on cameras. About 5 months ago a Hasselblad 503cxi with prism finder, a-12 back and 80mm f2.8 C lens came in. I picked it up for $390.
Now I knew there was a light leak issue. From what i've been told by friends is that usually it isn't the bodies that have the light leaks that it's usually the backs.
The back that came with it was disgusting. There was hard white chemicals crusted all inside of the back scratching negatives. So I got a different back. Now I havn't had time to test out the new back on the camera.
But here are some photos from the first roll put through it. Tell me what you think it might be.
Aswell the film was only exposed on half the frames. I dont know what happened to the rest of it. So it's all leading me to believe it was the disgusting terrible back that was originally traded in with it.
Please ignore the quality of the photos and the poor composition. These were extremely low scans.
This one turned out without any problems
Where as this one it's absolutely horrible. The others weren't nearly as bad but still had light leak.
I work at a camera store in edmonton alberta canada and we take trade ins on cameras. About 5 months ago a Hasselblad 503cxi with prism finder, a-12 back and 80mm f2.8 C lens came in. I picked it up for $390.
Now I knew there was a light leak issue. From what i've been told by friends is that usually it isn't the bodies that have the light leaks that it's usually the backs.
The back that came with it was disgusting. There was hard white chemicals crusted all inside of the back scratching negatives. So I got a different back. Now I havn't had time to test out the new back on the camera.
But here are some photos from the first roll put through it. Tell me what you think it might be.
Aswell the film was only exposed on half the frames. I dont know what happened to the rest of it. So it's all leading me to believe it was the disgusting terrible back that was originally traded in with it.
Please ignore the quality of the photos and the poor composition. These were extremely low scans.
This one turned out without any problems
Where as this one it's absolutely horrible. The others weren't nearly as bad but still had light leak.