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New Member
I'm new here, and I am new in hasselblad system too. Tuesday I've bought the 503 CXi + 80 2.8 T*, second hand, but like new, in Demo condition.
Only I want give you one salutation.
>I'm new here, and I am new in hasselblad system too. Tuesday I've >bought the 503 CXi + 80 2.8 T*, second hand, but like new, in Demo >condition. >Only I want give you one salutation.

Welcome here and in the wonderfull square worls !

Congratulations Julian. You're about to discover a wonderful world inside the square. I've never looked back! Enjoy.
I'll join in the congratulations and welcome, but please do not think that you're now forbidden to take anything but square pictures. Let the subject and dictate the aspect ratio of your pictures. Not the camera.
thank you very much, you are very kind.
I'm very happpy with this camera, wednesday i was used a 120 Reala for look if the hassy is o.k, I have today the results, and the shots are very goods, no interesting photos, but for my purposes very well, the shots are very sharps and very good contrast, I was do a little portrait 1/125 f4 and the bokeh is genial, I think that the planar 80 2.8 T* is a great lens, I think that I falling in love with hassy, I haven't meter with this one or winder, for the moment, but i have very good feeling.
Ah! sorry for my bad English.