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HDR images with CFV

Hi guys.
Thought I'd post an image I shot this past weekend with my 3-4 month old CFV. Used a 501CM with 60mm CF lens. Took 3 different exposures (+2, 0, -2), and combined them in Photomatix HDR software. Afterwards, I ran it through CS3, adding luminosity masks, custom color correction masks, desaturation, and two lumps of sugar.
The images I'm getting from the CFV are the finest I've ever produced. Hope you like.
Michael H. Cothran


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That looks very "dynamic" in deed . A very nice image .:z04_photos:

As far as I understand HDR , there must not be any movement of the camera between the -2 , 0 , +2 exposures . How did you achieve that ? ? ?
I could imagine , that winding the crank would move the camera in either direction for at least one or two pixels , even if you wind very careful .

PSCS3 also has a HDR function . What is the advantage from PHOTOMATIX in comparison to PS ? ? ? And how do you add the lumps of sugar :)

Regards Jürgen
While it's better to have a totally inanimate subject for HDR, the software does provide some level of corrections for moving objects like water, clouds, people, cars etc. The software also has the ability to "align" images, much like you can in CS3 now. However, I've never experienced an issue with the Hasselblad secured to a good tripod.
I've tried the HDR tool in CS3, and have never been successful with it. I read a lot of articles online, and they all lean towards Photomatix as being the best HDR software on the market. Royce Howland has a great tutorial about both programs on Here's the link -
In my years of film, I rarely unfolded the crank extension of my 500Cm when winding, unless I had to shoot fast. I did it to preserve the mechanism or so I thought. I was thinking that doing the same for HDr multi-exposure might help for keeping the camera still.
Just a thought.


You got me . As auto braketing with my 203FE + CFV is not possible (the CFV BACK is too slow) I thought , forget about HDRI with the CFV .
Now , as you have shown me , that it is possible , shurely with some restrictions to NIKONs and CANONs , I will try and go for HDRI .
So , I have to blame you , that you infected me ! ! ! :z04_2171:
Here my first try for a HDRI image .
You can see some "ghosting" , as the wind was moving the leafes .
It could also be an image for the HSH calendar project .
Sorry , I forgot the details :
PHOTOMATIX PRO 3.0 , EV -2 , 0 , +2 , Tonemapping with detail enhancer , 16bit TIFF .
This looks great on my monitor. The ghosting is almost unnoticeable. In fact, I probably wouldn't have seen it had you not mentioned it. The image looks very "realistic." I doubt if anyone would know you tone-mapped it had you not mentioned that either. Good job.
I've come to the point of trying to avoid situations with moving subjects - especially foliage. With Auto DSLR's, one can fire off 3 AEB images in a fraction of a second, eliminating most ghosting. It just takes too long manually with a V system Hasselblad. I've read from other skillful Photomatix users that the align tools in Photomatix work pretty good, but I have not found that to be the case. Of course, some of that could be "user ineptness!"
BTW - is the calendar project still in need of more images??
Michael H. Cothran

If you can supply an image or two for the calendar project , I would be very pleased , if you would participate .
If you do not have the specs , please look them up in the CALENDAR project thread , or PM me .

In my years of film, I rarely unfolded the crank extension of my 500Cm when winding, unless I had to shoot fast. I did it to preserve the mechanism or so I thought. I was thinking that doing the same for HDr multi-exposure might help for keeping the camera still.
Just a thought.


The image I posted was taken with HASSELBLAD 905SWC and CFV back .
When carefully "turning the crank like a knob" it works allright .
In a similar way , I tried with the 203FE . Also , when carefully operating the shutter speed ring , not trouble at all .
But , yes i agree , for many situations , the shooting technique is just not fast enough .
But it works . :z04_photos:

Beautiful hdr image Jurgen. Just the right amount of "altitude".
Possibly has somehing to do with the way the CFV handles files in a film-like way. If only it would be 1:3x crop at least! (sigh)

The image I posted was taken with HASSELBLAD 905SWC and CFV back .
When carefully "turning the crank like a knob" it works allright .
In a similar way , I tried with the 203FE . Also , when carefully operating the shutter speed ring , not trouble at all .
But , yes i agree , for many situations , the shooting technique is just not fast enough .
But it works . :z04_photos:



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Can you please describe a little bit how you created this image ?
Like : is it from film or digital , color or B/W film , etc.

Thank you . Jürgen
Sorry. I shoulded.
In reality, this picture is not hdr. I created this image long before I ever heard "HDR". It is a flatbed Epson 16bit scan of a Fuji Reala color negative. The range was possible only after (pita) creating various selections and then applying levels. This is possible because the wide dynamic range "embedded" in modern color negative film.
I did this technique once, by making 2 scans, one for the shadows and one for the highlights and then doing the hdr in PS. Some folks say it is very hard to register both images (when scanned) both it worked for me.I blended manually by creating a luminosity mask in layers. I can't recall where this image is stored now.
How's our calendar going my friend?


Can you please describe a little bit how you created this image ?
Like : is it from film or digital , color or B/W film , etc.

Thank you . Jürgen