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Hcd 28/4


New Member
Hi![FONT=Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial] I just received my H4D 31 and wish to purchase the HCD 28/4. However my local dealer told me it was not fully compatible with my camera and required the slightly larger sensor – such as in the H4D 50, 60 or the old H3D 39. My sensor is the new smaller 33 x 44, and he said this causes vignetting. Can anyone help me out on this? Kind regards.
I'm not a technician, but I thought it would be the other way around = the larger the sensor/negative the more vignetting would be visible as it is caused by the lens not covering completely the surface. :confused: (sorry if I'm not using the exact scientific terms)

Hcd 28

I agree with you. Also the answer I finally got is that other than a slight cropping, the lens works perfectly with the H4D31 & 40.