I've loved medium-format ever since I took a photography class where we had to use a Mamiya C220. I borrowed one to try out before we had to use them for class and I loved the idea of the viewfinder on top. Since then, I've purchased a 501CM kit.
The dilemma I am having is this whole digital thing. I have an enlarger and most of the equipment needed to make prints. I just need an easel and a focuser. But should I stop buying darkroom equipment and think about going digital myself? I don't want to sell my Hassy so I can go back to 35mm. I could barely afford all my equipment now, so I definitely couldn't afford a digital back at their current prices. If I went digital, I would still have a large collection of physical negatives. I could save up for one of those Nikon Coolscan 9000EDs. What would you folks do in my shoes?
The dilemma I am having is this whole digital thing. I have an enlarger and most of the equipment needed to make prints. I just need an easel and a focuser. But should I stop buying darkroom equipment and think about going digital myself? I don't want to sell my Hassy so I can go back to 35mm. I could barely afford all my equipment now, so I definitely couldn't afford a digital back at their current prices. If I went digital, I would still have a large collection of physical negatives. I could save up for one of those Nikon Coolscan 9000EDs. What would you folks do in my shoes?