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Hasselblad versus 35mm

It is late here in London, and I have spent 6 hours working on some H3D50 family & friends photos. I don't find enough time for recreational work - but the last time 6 hours passed so easily I was in a dark room.

I simply cannot cease to be astounded at the quality of image this camera produces. It is breath-taking. I made the much contemplated move to Hasselblad a few months ago - but it is the best decision I have ever made. The novelty factor grows with every day. If you are a D3 or Canon Ds owner - take the leap. The results speak a million times louder than the megapixel differential suggests.
I felt compelled to write - I hope others can empathise with my childlike awe at something so simple as capturing a moment in time.

I hope others can empathise with my childlike awe at something so simple as capturing a moment in time.


That is what photography is all about.
You will be even more amazed when you look at those images in a few years time.
Plus 1 here Steve. I am so happy with my H3D31. I had thought about whether I *should* have bought the 39mp back, but, looking at my pictures, I am astounded each time. I photographed a steam train yesterday using the standard 80mm lens at +/- 300 yards away from me on a bridge. Zooming in 100% + in PS reveals astounding detail in the engine/faces/brickwork/bridge etc. And that is with the 80mm lens. If I had been not so lazy, I would have slipped on the 50-110 for better result. Anyway, ramble over..but just to say, my Nikon D200 is feeling REALLY neglected now. Would my pictures have been better with the 39mp back..hard to say.



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  • A_0165.jpg
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There is a simple solution for that problem:
Become Hasselblad clubmember and support this forum by doing so.
You will have the largest upload capacity compared with any other forum.
I.E. 1200x1200 pixels or 589 KB whatever comes first.

It is remarkable there are more supporters in the V section than here with H camera users.
A good opportunity to change that would not you say?
