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Hasselblad V96c


New Member
Hi to everyone,
I'm Sandro and I'm from Rome (Italy).
I use to read this forum very often 2 years ago, and It's cool to see that the Forum has come back.
As I've just purchased (few weeks ago) an used Imacon V96C in very good condition, I would like to Know this "toy" much better than I can do by myself.
The question is this: Could you help me please to find an instructions manual of this digital Back?
At the moment nothing is available from Hasselblad web site (and I'm a registered user, but no way), nor from Google search.
So I hope and believe in your Huge Knowledge about Hasselblad world.
Please, give me an hand!
Thanks a lot for you attention
Ciao Sandro,

I am a V96C user, but I'm afraid that I don't have the user manuals either. I got mine 2nd hand, and after a quick hands-on introduction at the shop, I basically just downloaded the manual for the CFV and went from there. It's not the same, but for me, it was good enough. The CFV manual is no help with respect to the menus though. There are some online websites to buy the Ixpress V96C manual, but I did not bother doing that. If I can help with anything at all...

Oh... also I don't use it on a Hasselblad V body - I use it on my Bronica SQ-B and SQ-Ai bodies. To attach it, I bought the Silvestri Hasselblad V adapter for Bronica SQ, which works well. I might try it one day on my view camera, but currently I don't have the adapter.

Hi Jason, many thanks for your reply
but I've solved my trouble.
Another user of this forum has sent me via email the manual in .pdf format.
If you like it I would share it with you, but I will need your email (the file is about 4,8 mb).
Let me know if you are interested
Take care

Welcome back.

The forum has changed its software and can be found with a new URL.
Good to read that your question about a manual could be answered so fast.

Yes, it was a little unpolite from my side, because I asked to someone I've read to own a V96c digital back (so I just knocked on his email asking some help, and He was really really kind and preciuos).
I'd like to discuss about the using of this digital Back because I haven't seen any tread or topic in the forum.
So it would be nice to share opinions, expiriences and everything about this nice "toy".
As soon as possible I will post a pic to "shake some body" :)
Have a nice time
The interesting thing about these manuals is that when I bought my Ixpress, 2nd hand of course, the previous owner did not provide any CDs that may have been originally supplied with the unit. However, there was dust on the filter that I couldn't remove myself, so I sent the unit for cleaning by Hasselblad/Imacon, which cost me €315, but I guess it was worth it since I can no longer see the dust. They sent the unit back with a CD containing the latest FlexColor software and a bunch of manuals... but no manuals for my V96C! They were all for the CFV, CFH and H3D series.