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Hasselblad spirit level


Active Member
Just a small tip I stumbled on - maybe most of you were well ahead of me. But I was given a Hasselblad spirit level, which fits beautifully on the side of the 501CM body (and others of course).

My favourite technical sles person (tragically gone to God at a more tragically early age), who so brilliantly guided me through building my beloved 'Blad system, pulled a nice used one out one day and said she had kept it for me at no charge!

Now I don't have issues with 1 or 2 degree out horizons. No matter how careful I used to be with a spirit level on my Manfrotto tripod, I'd occassionally end up with a "bad" horizon. No more.

It is even helpful (with some practice) when shooting hand held.

So if you don't have one and see one lying about at cheap money, grab it.

The latest version of the tripod quick release coupler has an integrated spirit level as well. Some people who are more demanding use a spirit level directly on the focus screen. I would be too worried of scratching or marring my screen to do that.

The accessory rail spirit level is most useful for those who shoot with a waist-level finder from the waist.
