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Hasselblad PCP80 projector



Hi all:

Would some kind person advise the correct assembly order for the 2 piece lenses in the frame that comprise the Acute Matte D for my 501CM? I energetically decided to clean with warm water and mild soap. But, like the springs and gears from the exploding watch back, I lost the order assembly. There are 4 variants:
1) clear piece on top, followed by Acute matte shiny side facing up
2) clear piece on top, followed by Acute matte shiny side facing down
3) Acute matte shiny side facing up on top, followed by clear piece
4) Acute matte shiny side facing down on top, followed by clear piece

Thanking in advance,

Alan Olson
> Sorry, I don't know how the subject line appeared. It was auto populated from a previous post, and despite overtyping twice--it still appears...

Alan Olson