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Hasselblad new type flash holder sunpak flash


On pictures seen in the net, I saw Sunpak big flash with flash holder (like G4500). I have the last Hasselblad flash holder (in 2 separable parts)and It looks that it may possible that the Sunpak flash should fix directly to the basis part of the Hasselblad flash holder.
Perhaps my description is not clear sory.

In one question:
Is the Hasselblad flash holder basis compatible with Sunpak flash torchs ?
One years after. I found the answer myself. I needed to buy the stuff to try !

Yes it's compatible but the angle is not correct. If you put the Sunpack flash on a Hasselblad plate, then the angle is not correct: the light is +/- 20° false. However it's not so important. IMG_4436.JPG
  • Canon - Canon EOS Kiss X2
  • 50.0 mm
  • ƒ/5
  • 1/80 sec
  • Manual exposure
  • ISO 400


  • IMG_4436.JPG
    49.6 KB · Views: 17