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hasselblad L grip and Metz CL-4


Hi recently I purchased a Metz CL-4 and I don't feel too comfortable holding the camera through the flash (with bracket), I mean it is a bit uneasy to focus, frame and shoot while holding the camera by the metz.

I am considering getting an L grip but I'm wondering how can I mount the metz on the grip or what is the most common solution for my problem, how you guys used to set up the hasselblad (500) with a flashgun and handheld...


There is a leather strap available to improve the grip of the flashgun.
That may help you solve the problem.

The other solution may be to get a Hasselblad grip and a smaller Metz unit to fit the grip.
I put a Hasselblad quick release adapter on the Metz bracket. This provides convenient and stable connection between flash and camera. This combination has never failed and has my confidence.

I modified the Metz plates. Far better. Used for years of weddings. IMG_4433.JPG
  • Canon - Canon EOS Kiss X2
  • 50.0 mm
  • ƒ/5
  • 1/80 sec
  • Manual exposure
  • ISO 400

Right to left : original one. One is cut for lenght and for finger. The last on is fixed to an old pistol grip. (Trigger is removed to use with a 500 ELX).

  • Canon - Canon EOS Kiss X2
  • 50.0 mm
  • ƒ/5
  • 1/80 sec
  • Manual exposure
  • ISO 400

There is an angle to allow to push confortable the button of the 202FA.
BTW, I allways let the plate even if I do not take the Proflash as this plate to handle the body is more confortable. BTW this plate protect the 202 boutton use in the bag: thanks to my battery !

  • Canon - Canon EOS Kiss X2
  • 50.0 mm
  • ƒ/5
  • 1/80 sec
  • Manual exposure
  • ISO 400

Hand made in Switzerland by my-self 15 years ago: very efficient !

The stuff on the hood is a (low cost) radio flash trigger.


  • IMG_4433.JPG
    44.3 KB · Views: 7
  • IMG_4442.JPG
    46.7 KB · Views: 8
  • IMG_4439.JPG
    55.6 KB · Views: 12
aja! good old days! amazing!

i'm not a big fan of the pistol grip, how will you guys compare the pistol against the L grip?

i still need to go and try a L grip on a local shop, my idea is to mount the hasselblad on the L grip and then mount the metz with the bracket on the L grip, dunno if this will work
I was a great fan of the pistol grip as it allow to handle and move fast. However I noticed that pictures made with pistol grip needed to be taken at faster speed to be sharp. Perhaps at 1/90 (with my 202FA) is too low.
Of course at 1/250 with flash by day: all perfect.