" ... one was only a 1 Meg card, which is the one I had problems with."
I presume you meant it was a 1 Gig card : -)
Paul, I've had that same "not enough disc space" message pop up with other digital Cameras, so it's not specific to your CFV. I am racking my brain trying to remember what I did about it.
If I recall, I had to many programs open at the same time, and a re-start fixed it. I also recall someone on another forum having to trash their Flexcolor preferences when that problem occurred for them. I had to do that once ... my dealer walked me through how to do it.
Also, I've had that "not enough disk space" pop up when just working in Photoshop and it had nothing to do with any digital camera or CF card.
In my experience, these programs are very memory intense and when you drop all these gigs of photos on top of it it can turn your computer into an idiot. This typically occurs when the computers Hard Drive available capacity falls below 1/3 of it's total. In my case I have a 150 gig drive with approx. half that being used for programs and files stored on it.
So dropping 15 gigs of wedding files on top of everything else can create problems.
Also, when I have a number of external firewire drives active on the computer, it almost always causes some issues.
But as with anything concerning computer, your milage may vary. It may have just been the CF card or the Firewire connection acting up.
As I am doing high volume processing for wedding work here's my work flow which may be helpful to some folks:
Shoot with multiple cameras, each time coded prior to the shoot. BTW, I've never had a problem mixing cards from other camera use, the CFV will simple warn you that the CF card is not compatible ... until you re-format it.
Download 4 CF cards at a time to one desktop folder using 4 Lexar daisy chained Pro CF firewire readers ... plus download any SD cards into the same folder at the same time using Sandisk USB2 readers. Downloads an entire wedding in under 10 minutes. The only exception is any Hasselblad files are placed in a second folder for processing in Flexcolor.
Put the CFs aside as back-up. Processing directly from CF cards is slow and dangerous.
Open Flexcolor and select the Hasselblad desktop folder. Edit junk and then select remaining for DNG conversions ( this is just for wedding work where I want all the images in order of time shot for further editing ). Those DNG conversions are saved in the same master file with all the other camera's files.
Open the one master desktop file in Lightroom and sort by time shot, further edit and then process to final tiffs.