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Hasselblad 500CM Rapid-winding crank doesn't stay in place


New Member
Hi everyone, I recently acquired a Hasselblad 500CM several weeks ago. The seller had this camera CLA'd and included the receipt to show what work was done, It indicates it was cleaned, lubricated and adjusted to factory specs and the following parts were replaced (Upper plate foam, front plate foam. release button spring and governor).

When I received the camera it seemed to function perfectly. I put a couple of rolls of film through it; however, I now seem to have an issue with the rapid-winding crank not staying in place.

As show on the below image, it wants to rotate back to the red circle. I have to physically hold it in place at the solid red dot in order to fire the camera. After winding the crank, I'm able to wind it all the way around but again wants to fall back to the red circle as shown in the below image.

At first it would stay in place at the red dot once in a while; however, now I always have to hold it in place to be able to keep it at the solid red dot.

I'm guessing this is probably not a DIY fix? Has anyone encountered this issue? Does anyone know what the cause is and what it involves to remedy?

I wasn't able to attach a video but I did include the below link of a video I added to youtube.

Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

I think the winding crank is not correct attached, the solid red dot should align with te triangle
  • Apple - iPhone 11
  • iPhone 11 back dual wide camera 4.25mm f/1.8
  • 4.3 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 400
It is correctly attached. It locks in in place at the red dot and stays in place (sometimes). I'll fire the camera then wind the crank and again will stay in place at time but now most of the time it was to drift back. I'll try posting a better video
I’m pretty sure that the crank is the problem, check if the little pin comes back properly, there is a strong feather under it!


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I’m pretty sure that the crank is the problem, check if the little pin comes back properly, there is a strong feather under it!
Hi rien900, thank you for the response. Unfortunately that's not the issue. My crank/ winder has the protruding pin just like yours and locks into the hole/ slot properly. The release mechanism for that pin has plenty of tension which locks it into the slot properly. One of these days, I'll see if I can take a better video removing and installing the winder and better show what the camera is doing.