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Hasselblad 40mm Distagon C Hood


New Member
Does anyone have a spare lenshood for the old 40mm Distagon C that you wish to sell or knows where I can buy one? Can anything else be adapted to serve as a lenshood?
Many thanks for your help!
40 mm C lens hoods

Hello John,

Welcome at the forum.

I think I can help you with a shade for the 40 mm C lens.
As far as I know there is no alternative for this "Buick tyre" as another forum member called this piece of rubber.

That is the good news. The bad news is these things do not come cheap.

Please contact me pm for more information.



Shades with 40 mm C lens


  • buick%20tyres.jpg
    38.8 KB · Views: 112
Hasselblad Distagon 40mm C Hood

Hello Paul,

And thanks for your welcome to this forum.

I will PM shortly.

Also as you mention quite rightly that it is rubber, is there a risk of the rubber, due to age, becoming brittle and/or breaking?

Look forward to your reply and will as said PM you.


Hello John,

Welcome at the forum.

I think I can help you with a shade for the 40 mm C lens.
As far as I know there is no alternative for this "Buick tyre" as another forum member called this piece of rubber.

That is the good news. The bad news is these things do not come cheap.

Please contact me pm for more information.


View attachment 1294

Shades with 40 mm C lens
Distagon c40 proshade adapter

Good evening. This is my first time on this forum.

Is there a Pro Shade adapter made for the Distagon c40? I believe it would be a 104 mm bayonet mount.
Buick tyre

Hello rrooster,

Welcome here at hasselbladinfo forum.

There is no proshade adapter for this lens.

I may have another original shade for you in stock.
Please contact me pm if you are interested in an original shade.

Forum moderator