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Hasselblad 203fe and 205fcc


New Member
I have purchased mainly thru EBAY several 203FE and 205FCC cameras. All are in good working condition. However, it is noted that the last 203FE was manufactured in 2004 and I would say on average the cameras I have are eight years old. From your experience given that these cameras rely on electronics how many years can I expect to get good use from them before sending to Hasselblad for an overhaul.
That is not easy to predict.

The 203FE happens to be a great performer for which there are no known problems yet.
Even highly used pro cameras are going strong without typical problems.

Compared with a much older design like the 2000 series the future looks very bright.
Most 2000 bodies are still working as they should despite the fact their design and especially
the use of materials is questioned by todays standards.
