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Hasselblad 1000f


For the non believers...............:proud:


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Proud owner!

Who says we do not believe you??

Beautiful 1000F camera that was not used very much.
Original lenscap is a nice touch.

Your FUC welcome present will be mailed tomorrow.
I have a hunch there is another present on its way to you from the south of Germany.

Congratulations on this excellent sample of the 1000F.

Thanks Paul. I really like it. Acording to Richard Nordin mine is one of the last 100 made, serial #CU24027. It's kind of a hodge podge with the lens made in 1955 and the back a CT model, 1956. Oh well, it works!

Regards, Terry
Terry, welcome and congratulations to this very nice camera. My youngest 1000F is [FONT=&quot]CU 22963.

Hello Terry,

For some cameras the same goes as for dogs:
The funnier the pedigree the better they are!
Your camera is a good example of that.
I remember though Wilko has a nice 1957 film back in clean condition.....

The funnier the pedigree the better they are!


Paul seems to be talking of my 1957 1000F , though the story is less funny because former owners did things to it I will better not mention (to prevent readers from shedding tears or more serious health conditions). Nevertheless this tough little thing is back in service, a great performer and already pictured in another thread.

Painful subject

Hi Ulrik,

No I was not thinking of your "Lunenborg" camera.
In fact one of my first cameras came to mind that consisted of no less than 4 generations of Hasselblad production.
Still that camera gave me lots of fun with great pictures to match.

If ever there will be a price for a person who put a lot of effort in saving 1000F cameras my vote goes to you.
And yes now I have the "Lunenborg" camera in mind!

For those who wonder why cameras have got a name it is simply to keep them apart for those who are lucky to have a few more......

My most ugly 1000F is named "Scheunenfund-1000F" (Scheunenfund = barn find"). It is still ugly but only considerable effort made it be recognizeable as a camera at all...

Hello Paul,
this is the view into the Scheunenfund-Hassy before it got a new mirror. Most of the interior parts needed cleaning, removal of corrosion and repainting. Many thanks to our repairman for that. The camera works fine, only for the chrome corrosion there is no cure.

It is most interesting/horrifying how good a Hasselblad can look outside though internally it is totally wrotten. A black A12 back of mine is currently undergoing extensive repair. Outside it looks fine and has few traces of use. But inside it is a total mess, my friend Peter is even thinking of replacing the whole plate on which the gears are mounted.



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Here the example of a 1000F where the shells had corroded to a degree that they could not be so easily taken apart.



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Hello Paul,
this is the view into the Scheunenfund-Hassy before it got a new mirror. Most of the interior parts needed cleaning, removal of corrosion and repainting. Many thanks to our repairman for that. The camera works fine, only for the chrome corrosion there is no cure.


A new mirror? I can still see inner parts of the camera reflected in the old one.

There is a cure for corroded shells, just fit a new one :)

Saviour of 1000F cameras

With these samples and I have a hunch there is more than just these two cameras, Ulrik is number one savour of neglected 1000F cameras. :z02_respekt:
For the non believers...............:proud:


Let me send you a very warm welcome to the FUC .
The camera you have looks very very good , but is missing two ittle parts .
Send me your address (PM) and I will send you these two little parts .
They are handmade by myself and are a must for 1600F/10000F owners .

Welcome and best regards . Jürgen

I have send you a PM with Terrys address.
Please note parcels larger than 40"X40" are to be reported before shipping.....
