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Happy new year 2009

2009 is almost over

Now , as the year 2009 comes slowly to its end , there is still one image left .
It is Emanuel Schnetzler's wonderful image , which expresses the mood for X-mas so much .
Thank you Manu for that image .
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I do hope , that you all enjoyed the Calendar as much , as I did making it .

Does anyone see a chance for repeating a project like this calendar project ?
Who would like to it a try ? :)

Best regards . Jürgen

The calendar project was a unique experience that could only be realised because of your enourmous effort and generosity.
Of course a new project would be most welcome.
Lets see who is willing to do all the hard work this time.


The calendar project was a unique experience that could only be realised because of your enourmous effort and generosity.
Of course a new project would be most welcome.
Lets see who is willing to do all the hard work this time.


Jurgen's calendar project was indeed something very special. I've enjoyed it all year long. Thanks to all who contributed photos and especially to Jurgen!

I think it may be a little late in the year to organize a calendar project for 2010.....if we want those calendars to be on the wall before Spring 2010.

I would be happy to organize some other type of project for this forum. As some of you know, I already organize monthly black and white print exchanges and bi-monthly color print exchanges (open to all photographers, any brand of equipment, but the prints are all to be from inkjet printers).

If the forum members here would be interested in a world wide print exchange of images taken with Hasselblad cameras (whether color, B&W, inkjet, or traditional darkroom...the whole works), I would be very happy to coordinate and organize such an exchange.

I guess no one is interested in a HasselbladInfo print exchange. I'm open to other suggestions and would happy to take the lead on it for 2010.



Maybe give it some time. I know of at least two interested users of the forum that could be interested.

Hi Paul,

Will I said, I'm willing to do anything I can for a 2010 project of whatever type folks would like to see....even if it's a calendar. I'd just like to see some more activity, participation and interest here on this wonderful forum for Hasselblad users.

Jurgen's 2009 calendar was a terrific project....but it did take quite alot of planning and advance work...we're quickly running out of time for 2010 calendar that would be relevant from Day 1.

You are right about the calendar.
It takes time and last but not least experience to make that happen.
Keep in mind it was not Juergens first calendar.

Lets see if I can find some users for a new plan.

Keep in mind it was not Juergens first calendar.

I didn't know that 2009 wasn't Jurgen's first photo calendar project. In that case, I withdraw my offer for a 2010 project ".....even if it's a calendar". I will need AT LEAST a one year lead time for a photo calendar.

Anyone with good ideas for a 2011 calendar theme?

In the meantime, I am still hopeful of a Hasselblad image print exchange in 2010.

I didn't know that 2009 wasn't Jurgen's first photo calendar project. In that case, I withdraw my offer for a 2010 project ".....even if it's a calendar". I will need AT LEAST a one year lead time for a photo calendar.

Anyone with good ideas for a 2011 calendar theme?

In the meantime, I am still hopeful of a Hasselblad image print exchange in 2010.


Hi Gary
Yes , that is very tru . A lead time of a year , might even be longer .
Our HOME SWEET HOME calendar project failed in the first year of planing
and it took all together more than 18 month to get it ready .
(with gaps of course) .
But it was great fun and a great international communication .
That was the main thing for me .

That calendar was my 7th calendar . The other 6 only showed my own images .
I will think about calendar themes and come back .

Best regards . Jürgen
Give us some more details about the idea of an international HASSELBLAD image print exchange .
I know , I asked you about that some longer time ago , but it might be that the conditions have changed .

Are you thinking of special themes ? Color or B/W ? Size ?
For myself , I would want to shoot new images and not just grab into the stock box .

Regards Jürgen
I'm open to whatever the consensus of folks here would like to do. Letter/A4 size prints are easier to mail etc, but larger size prints are more enjoyable to see. I currently run a monthly B&W inkjet print exchange and a bi-monthly color inkjet print exchange, both of which are open to all photographers (any equipment, whether film or digital capture). But I'd be happy to leave a Hasselbladinfo forum exchange wide open (color & B&W, film or digital, new material or old) if that's what would generate the most interest and participation.


Give us some more details about the idea of an international HASSELBLAD image print exchange .
I know , I asked you about that some longer time ago , but it might be that the conditions have changed .

Are you thinking of special themes ? Color or B/W ? Size ?
For myself , I would want to shoot new images and not just grab into the stock box .

Regards Jürgen
Sounds a neat idea.

But I think Hassy images need to be a bit bigger than A4 to do them justice.