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FYI Nick, the GPS unit works on all HD cameras : -)

Just set up the Aptus 75s upgraded back, and wonder-of-wonders, Adobe Camera RAW no longer recognizes the Mos files. Oh happy day, now I get to use Leaf Capture 11, perhaps the second worst software I've ever experienced (the Contax ND was hands down the worst).

The H3Ds are just dandy as is. No Bucket full for upgrades.

Time for a photo I'd say ... clear the head of tech talk. An H3D/31 image from my recent shoot for Muddy Creek horse-riding gear.

Well, if the GPS plug is for all H series, then even less reason to upgrade...

One thing more: are Moiré patterns still a residual problem with the high end backs or even 35mm dSLRs these days? Perhaps from some particular subjects...

I still have files of scanned aerial photos from some years ago with very pretty patterns...can't really recall seeing them in small format digital or flatbeds in anything like the same way...

Can 'killer anti-moiré ap' be applied to Flexcolor/Phocus software for all, as implied, or is it locked into the new body?

Marc, there is still that yellow cast to deal with

Beautiful shot! How did the GSD make out? He looks like he is lagging well behind the horse!


Nick, I think improved anti Moire' is primarily a software upgrade.

The latest version of Flexcolor 4.8.1 just launched yesterday has further visibly improved the files from the Hasselblad digital backs. Hocus Phocus due early next year should be interesting. Some in the know think the increased ISO will be firmware/software improvements and apply to the older backs as well as the new H3D-II versions.

The doggy is a highly experienced companion of the rider and stays well clear of running horses : -) It's some sort of Australian cattle dog I think ... but our Aussey members would know better than me. Here's the dog and it's owner ... shot by my assistant with his Canon, (who apparently still doesn't grasp the concept of avoiding open sun at midday no matter how many times I mention not doing it).


Queensland Blue Heeler. Formal title, 'Australian Cattle Dog' AKC. A purpose bred cattle dog, which knows that nipping at the heels of recalcitrant scrub cattle, although effective, also assures the occasional hoof to the side of the head.

Bred from blue-speckled short haired Scottish collie dogs and dingoes in the late 1800s when it was evident that long haired European dogs had no working future in the bush. Established as a 'breed' in 1903, and recognised by the AKC in 1980. Smart, trustworthy, and loyal. They are all called 'Blue' or 'Bluey'. If you have 2 or 3 working the herd, they may have secondary names - like 'bloody mongrel', 'gooboy', and '#$@##**#'.

On cold nights, in the Channel country, sleeping on the deck, the night would be referred to as 'a 3 dog night' or a '2 dog night', etc., indicating how many dogs had attempted to lay around you for warmth. Growing up in the bush, I had the pleasure of having a couple of blues as my best friends.

@Nick. This is ON topic - see the picture of the heeler and the sheila.

Cheers, Colin

There you go, Colin said it all about the Bluey. I had temporarily forgotten the Blue Heeler tag.

But on topic if taken with a C*n*n camera?
If the Canon picture is posted to, uhm..., 'explain' a Hasselblad picture, why not?

Anyway, Marc blames the midday sun. Could be the difference between a Canon and a Hasselblad too. And then, the picture serves as a demonstration why you need a Hasselblad.
True Qnu, these cameras kick all the Canons to the curb.

There are all kinds of interesting things to do with MF digital that involve Hasselblad ... or whatever you want to mix & match.

Like this "Frankenstine" assemblage of mine: Mamiya 645, Leaf Aptus 75s, any Hasselblad V lens, Zeiss or otherwise ... via a M to HB adapter (like the 60-120 FE shown) ... you lose stop-down metering, but gain in viewfinder focus confirmation and 1/4000th top shutter speed. Lovely results from the Aptus and your favorite Zeiss lenses.

Looks like quite nice actually, this mongrel. Thats the true
hacker spirit: build from parts what fits your needs.

"If the Canon picture is posted to, uhm..., 'explain' a Hasselblad picture, why not?"

Why not, indeed. I wasn't being serious.

I presume in talking about a mongrel, Wilko, you mean the camera set up, not the nice dog!

Gilbert, is that a magnifier? I thought it was a little satellite dish...for the GPS or watching television on the LCD screen, maybe.
I thought it was a little satellite dish...for the GPS or watching television on the LCD screen, maybe.>


I suppose an old gunny could think it is the sight for a gun!

