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H3D II - 31 - photo quality

Thanks Marc

As LR 1.4.1 limps a bit with some functions and LR 2.0 BETA as well and PHOCUS is "unusable" with most functions (on my MAC G5) , I decided to go for the fastest GC momentarily available .
The 8800GT GC also has an additional cooling fan but is very slim in comparison to other aircooled GCs .
I believe , as I never play any video games , the GC will not work at its limit and the cooling noise will be acceptable . Hopefully . That card can shurely also be installed in your MAC . My ordered RAM is 8GB . According to HASSELBLADS prereqs. for PHOCUS , this should be enough .

I will give feedback when I have the first impressions with PHOCUS .

Here an image of that slim GC .
For the previous generation Mac Pros, only the 1900 and the ATI HD2600 are available as upgrades...the 8800 is only for the latest gen Mac Pro. (To be totally accurate, there is a third option, a very expensive 3D card and some PC cards will work with "hacks")

I upgraded to the ATI HD2600 and Phocus now runs at an acceptable speed. For the older Mac Pros, the 2600 is a "cheap" upgrade, about $179.


Thank you for your informative posting .
I have been searching the net a lot to find a solution for my MAC G5 , but ended up , that I will not install a crutch , but , as we used to say , make nails with heads . So , I am impatiently waiting for my new MAC .


Thank you for your informative posting .
I have been searching the net a lot to find a solution for my MAC G5 , but ended up , that I will not install a crutch , but , as we used to say , make nails with heads . So , I am impatiently waiting for my new MAC .


A wise decision..You are going to love the Intel Mac Pro...BTW, the graphic card upgrade had no obvious effect on LR or CS3..with Phocus, however, the effect was dramatic...but that is what Hasselblad said in the release notes.

In the Pc world, I just fixed up for a friend an Intel quad-core Q9300, a 8800GTS and two WD of 150Go each 10000r/mn, 2Go of DDR3 ram ..... Wooohhaaa !
He uses it only for making his videos, no photo, but Christ.... things are instant !
The all box cost him 1400€, a blink compare to the photo equipment's price and worth doing.