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H3D-31 plus what 2 lenses would you get?


I know Ive sort of asked this in another way before but its a good question I think.....the 50-110mm plus camera weighs like what two lenses would YOU get to shot 90% of the stuff you do?

I think the 100mm plus the 35mm or 50mm
I have 80/2.8 now, and it is very expensive lenses of Hasselblad, so 80 is great for me to do portraits and even there is better lens i will keep this for portraits, now another lens i will buy will be 120 macro, as i like to do some still life/product photography and i know that H3D can do great so i need a macro lens, and i can use this macro lens for portraits as well, can't wait to buy it.
If i will buy another lens more than 80 and 120 then it will be definitely 50-110, i would like to buy 28 because i love landscapes very much, but i keep my Canon DSLR to do outdoor works.
Whith your H3 you get a free 80mm with is not bad at all. Then a 35mm is good. A 50mm is not bad too but with 31Mpix if you have to crop to have a 50mm picture you will not dye.
Hard to advise a "not full frame" 28mm lens as next digital back seams to be larger and larger.
well you get a platera of lenses...i think the lense is about 7k..i dont know ..but its like getting 3 lenses...some guy just posted a 28 mm...well it will be almost the same perspective..

I will try to save this year or next year to get some Hassy lenses, way too expensive as i am still going with Canon gear line.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive!

You get what you pay for.
MF was never cheap and will never be.

If you take current prices for H gear and compare those prices for V series lenses 20-30 years ago
the prices for H gear have not gone up much.
That means the prices have come down quite a lot relatively or is your income still what it was 25 years ago?
Prices compared

The excellent Variogon by Schneider is about 3300 GBP in todays money.
That was the price for a new lens excl VAT in 1986......

4000 GBP for an H series zoom is not a bad deal.
100/2.2. use it for 70% of the H work.

the other second lens depends on what you tend to shoot. But the 100/2.2 is a must IMO.
wait wait...arent the new lenses made in japan now a days..not germany...

maybe thats why its cheaper...made by fujinon????

H series lenses

H series lkenses were always produced in Japan by Fuji.

Hasselblad did have part in the design of these lenses.
Although staff at Hasselblad is greatly reduced there are still some specialists for optical designs at Hasselblad in Sweden.
H Series lenses

I bought the HC 35, which works OK, but I can't say I'm 100% satisfied with it. The 28mm seems to be a tailor made lens for the H3DII, but then it's too wide, and distortions are there for a typical good 28mm.
That means I'm not a very satisfied user myself when it comes to WA. I'm considering the 50mm now for testing first.

I take documentary photos of closed areas like historical churches/mosques and ancient ruins. I need WA most of the time.
Are you using the DAC corrections in Phocus?

If the question is for me: Yes, and it helps a lot. I like to be able to see what Phocus is doing while converting to TIFF/JPG, and I sometimes even reduce the vignetting correction to about 50%, as it seems a bit too much correction to my taste.

But still the 35mm has very soft mid to edge portions. I need a high resolution throughout the frame. I have checked the 28mm MTF charts, and it may be better. But then comes the distortions.

At present, I confess using my CF60mm with adaptor, whenever there's enough space. I may buy a used 50mm CF FLE for slightly bigger view.

I will appreciate any suggestions.
I'd get that HC/35 checked. Mine doesn't suffer from those problems.

If you want a great wide lens take a look at the Zeiss 40/4CFE IF.
100/2.2. use it for 70% of the H work.

the other second lens depends on what you tend to shoot. But the 100/2.2 is a must IMO.

Regarding 100mm that you own, what type of photography are you doing? I imagine the lens to be perfect for portraits, landscape, and fashion. In my case having the 31MP DB, I have the 1.3X. But that was the most that I could afford. I wish I could have bought the 39MP.
Regarding 100mm that you own, what type of photography are you doing? I imagine the lens to be perfect for portraits, landscape, and fashion. In my case having the 31MP DB, I have the 1.3X. But that was the most that I could afford. I wish I could have bought the 39MP.

Yes, the 100/2.2 is my go to "people" lens. It has that "character" missing from so many modern clinically excellent MFT lenses. But it is razor sharp also when needed.

I wouldn't lament having the H3D-II/31 at all were I you. I have both the 31 and 39 ... and for most applications I like the 31 better. The field of view of the 100/2.2 is 130/2.2 which is better for portrait work IMO. And now we have ISO 1600 to play with.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say that I like the 31 better than the 39. I get more use out of it.

For wide work the 28 is a must on the 31, it provdes a 36.4 mm field of view ... which is pretty wide for MF applications. The Zeiss Biogon is the widest available in the V system, and it's 38mm!