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GPS for the X2D


New Member
I have started a write-in campaign. If enough of us ask, maybe HB will deliver. Contact customer support and ask...

"It would be most helpful for the X2D to have GPS information included in EFIX, especially for those of us who photograph landscapes and wildlife. Please let me know if Hasselblad could add this feature in a future firmware update or perhaps a module as for the X1D.
Here is the response I received from HB when I asked them about GPS...

Dear Customer,

Greetings from Hasselblad. We hope this message finds you well.

I just double check it with our R&D department to get you an update. However, I am really sorry to tell you that we have not yet received any notification. I really understand that this function is so important and without it, there will be much inconvenience, so I will constantly communicate with the team for the progress on your feedback.

However, it does take time, and there will be many compatibility tests involved. I cannot make any promises now. I appreciate your understanding, and I really hope this will be achieved. Please stay tuned to our latest information by following Hasselblad's Official Websites.
What you could do as temporary solution is to have a look at geotagging apps for smartphone (years ago I used one a lot which is no longer available). Anyway what they do is the to register your coordinates while moving, and then the app in the computer compares these data with the time registered for every picture. They add then to the EXIF data of every picture the coordinates registered at the capture time. The only thing, you must be sure that camera and phone are perfectly synchronized on the same time… It’s not as god as a real GPS for cameras, but it does help…
What you could do as temporary solution is to have a look at geotagging apps for smartphone (years ago I used one a lot which is no longer available). Anyway what they do is the to register your coordinates while moving, and then the app in the computer compares these data with the time registered for every picture. They add then to the EXIF data of every picture the coordinates registered at the capture time. The only thing, you must be sure that camera and phone are perfectly synchronized on the same time… It’s not as god as a real GPS for cameras, but it does help…
Yes, did that, it’s cumbersome and inconvenient.
Apparently, HB forgot a chipset in the X2D and that’s the reason why the GPS adapter is not working.