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Got Hasselbladand questions on how to actually use it

Colin clarified and expanded upon my comments very well.
But of course he would since he is an Aussie!

Did anyone here know that per capita, world-wide Australia has produced the highest number of great photographers?

And, Colin said: <<<<Having said all that, a 500 with 80 (or 50) can be used as a fun street camera especially with the waist level finder (WLF) and some 400 XP2 shooting in good light at 1/500 f11 with the lens set to hyperfocal distance. The WLF means you can point the camera at right angles (etc.) to the way you are facing, for some candids. (See the hastily scanned, unspotted shot here).

Get cracking, and shoot lots of film !!! >>>>

Yes, I overlooked saying that I get huge enjoyment using my Hasselblad as a street shooter - sure it's an overkill and that is why I often do it!

But, then if I am wandering about the streets of a city and see a beautiful church and decide to shoot inside it, my roll of XP2 Super (or NPZ for that matter) can be exposed quite safely to nearly 1600 asa without push processing and the huge negative means reasonable enlargements are not too grainy - one of the benefits of MF 6x6.

As a street shooting lens I use the CF 60mm Distagon and what a DELIGHT that is - smaller and lighter than the 50mm FLE and only 1/2 a stop slower than the 80mm.

Yes, go shoot more film!
Simon, me old mate:

Now you've torn it ! Stone the flamin crows mate . They'll all want to live in Aussie so they can become 'great'. Bloody hopeless, though. See, we got the gift because its in our genes - being as how all our ancestors were photographed and fingerprinted before they took the boat from the United Kingdom. Crikey, haven't you noticed that you've always had a little bit of a stain showing up on the tips of your index fingers and thumbs, no matter how many times you 'out damned spot'. Fair crack of the whip. I hope all your chickens turn into emus and kick yer dunny down.



PS I didn't mean what I said about the dunny.
"Did anyone here know that per capita, world-wide Australia has produced the highest number of great photographers? "

Along with the greatest number of Nobel Prize winners per capita too...there, a Swedish link!

Although can I chide you for your grammar, Simon
? What is a 'world-wide Australia'? Such a shame, as Australians aspire to be, per capita, the world's best grammarians!

Simon , Nick , Colin

Yes the Aussies are the worlds best grammarians . Go ahead with strine smaltalk . I love it . But without a strine dictionary available in the net , I am definately lost .
G'Day Jurgen:

The good news for you is that Simon and Nick and I are having our annual meeting soon on behalf of all the 'other' great and famous people, and we want you and Marc to know that you are both shortlisted for honourary statehood (and therefore, greatness). Of course, like the Academy Awards, only the Auditors (Dewey, Hoodwinkum and Howe) will know the results until they are officially announced on Australia Day, 2008. You will still have to pass the IQ test. Ex&le question ... "Spell IBM". We will give time to prepare for this.

Meanwhile, read up all you can on the Diana camera system

Best Wishes, and congratulations on making the shortlist.



PS You are the first on the shortlist taller than 1.3 meters.
"Infernal Bloody Machines"

Am I right? Do I get to be an official fake Australian?

Besides, I'm pretty sure my family tree has a convict or two hanging there somewhere.
That's gotta count for something : -)
Colin , Marc
Unfortunately my family tree only goes back to prussians and poles . No Aussies , where ever I look .
So I do start learning to spell IBM .
A german meaning could be "Ich Bin Müde" , which stands for "I Am Tired" hahahahaha

A DIANA , HOLGA or LOMO is on my list for the next camera.
G'Day Jurgen:

All newly inducted Hon. Aussies -via our Strine Academy- get a pre-owned (CLA) Diana or Holga or Lomo as a gift from the people of Australia - but not that you will be responsible for the various college tuition for training ...



Sometimes I don't understand either, but like after Nick's comment last night, I laughed so hard I trouble catching my breath.



There are many great Australians.
The only thing you seem to lack is a good historian.
Nobel Prize maybe Scandinavian but is certainly not Swedish, it is Norwegian.
Alfred Nobel was an inventor who gave us powerfull explosives and a few other things you can put on a sandwich as well.

I found an Australian dictionary just now.
It comes in handy for a trip to Australian.
There is only one little problem, it is the Polish/Australian version.
I am in Poland right now and have a distinct feeling there are no vowels in this language.
After a while it sounds ok.

The only non-Swedish bit about Nobel and the Nobel prize is that Nobel (a Swede) stipulated in his will that the Nobel peace prize laureate should be selected by a commitee elected by the Norwegian parliament, and that this one prize is awarded in Oslo.
The rest is silence (uhm... wrong country again) Swedish
Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm...That's a link!

It seems he was here, there and everywhere until dying in Italy.

More trivia: Dyno Nobel is now an Australian company!

Juergen, you might have to stop drinking beer from glasses with handles if you want to pass Clarkie's honorary citizenship test. Handles on a beer glass is a strange concept!

Clarkie, I have just got a couple of Diana's. I must get them out and about. What is the shutter speed and aperture again?? Does the digital back work well?? How is the Flakeycolour software??


I am very curious what that citizenship test will be . But I promise not to drink beer before the test .
Actually I do not drink beer very often . I prefer red wine from France and Italy . But I like the two guys from that emoticon very much .

BTW only the big 1 liter beermugs have handles . They are very heavy and at the OKTOBERFEST some times are also used as weapons .Puuuuh .
Take it as a kind of HASSELBLAD flash grip but instead of your camera , you have a beer .
And Nick , if you go into a bavarian beer garden and ask for a wine , they would look at you as if you came from Mars .

DIANAS are not for sale any more here , but HOLGAS and LOMO .
The HOLGA has a 60mm "lens" and shutterspeeds of 1/100 and B , aperture is 8 or 11.
But no CFV back adapter (yet) . You can buy a HOLGA , which can capture images at 4,5x6 and 6x6 for 69.-€ . 4,5x6 is very modern isn't it .
G'day Nick:

All Flakeycolour software for the DIANA DidgeridooBack is now optimized for Green and Gold.

I heard it is because Australia just won an unprecedented third World Cup in cricket recently. (You know, that's the competition where nations from all over the world compete against each other ... not to be confused with the World Series, where two teams from New York may play each other, etc.)


Larry LOMO and Harriet HOLGA are both looking for a buyout and I think Hasselblad has them in its sights. They like the idea of a plastic body because you can modify it at home with a hot iron, or some hobby cement. You could have saved a lot of time with your CFV if it was plastic.



The other thing is, you get all the colours of the electromagnetic spectrum on quite a few of your negatives with no extra charge, if you have the right kind of light leak.

Thanks for your amazing posting . It made me laugh very loud , and my wife was worried , what had happened .
So I phoned my dealer right away , but the sad answer is , that the HOLGA has a deliverytime of about a year . So I think I should go for a SHEILA ? ? ?

Jurgen, Mate !

I should have told you before that a SHEILA is available as an accessory for the Holga. In fact, if you could send your wife to Australia for about 2 months for didgeridooback conversion, she would come back to you with a little 'marking' on her that said 'converted to SHEILA.'

Do not tell you wife about the marking.

Cheers, mate.
