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Good evening.. I see that I joined this forum...earlier...but I don't remember that...

Jeffrey Behr

...which is not surprising as my two earlier ventures in MF fascinated me for a while but didn't 'stick'.. But I'm back with the same GFX100S body I've owned twice before, with only one lens, the 20-35/4, 'surviving'.. Traded away the Fuji 63 and 32-64 (and money) for the apparently-EXCELLENT 55/1.7 and bought used versions of the 45-100 for my current EDC and the 100-200/5.6.. The latter two arrived just this week, and I'm already dazzled.. I tend to be more gadget-conscious (and a pixelpeeper) than a fotografer perhaps ought to be, but each of us finds his/her inspiration in different things and places.. One place I am inspired by is eastern Washington's Palouse region; I've shot there thrice and hope to make it four times this summer.

I've been a fotog since 2000 after buying a Canon D30 (and then two D60s and an 11MP 1Ds), and I've been thru probably a couple-dozen bodies and uncountable lenses since then.. The last few years I've had several different Fujis, most recently the very fine X-H2 with a bunch of fine Fuji lenses.. But I wanted that big sensor again, and I have it!

I shoot mostly landscapes and have lived in the 6-month-summer heat of Phoenix, AZ, since 1980.. My (4th) wife of 38 years died a few years ago of lung cancer, and now my younger sister (75YO) lives here with me (81YO).. You can see some of my work here at flicker, but a link is taboo so I hope you can find me.

And I HATE sans-serif typefaces and will be writing in Times New Roman which I find attractive and easy to read.

Modedit: Please stick to the standard font of the forum software. Bold text is too difficult to read.
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And I HATE sans-serif typefaces and will be writing in Times New Roman which I find attractive and easy to read.

Modedit: Please stick to the standard font of the forum software. Bold text is too difficult to read.

...ahem...that must be why the forum offers it as an option.

How about Times New Roman NOT bolded? I STILL hate the looks of sans-serif typeface.

And thank you for the welcome.
ahem...that must be why the forum offers it as an option.

We can not deactivate it. The problem is that if every member uses the font he likes the most, you can not read a thread anymore because it looks like Las Vegas. :)

This why ee have to make a compromise and settle on the default settings.