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Fujifilm GFX 50R vs Hasselblad X1D II


I always look at Medium Format as a potential add on for my camera systems. since my Rollei 6008 I, I have not used Medium Format anymore, but always wanted to have "one day" a digital MF camera.

I am not yet sure whether 2024 will be the year I will enter MF, but at least I look closer into it again, because I do not find an appropriate 28mm FFL solution for my fullframe L-Mount system or my Fuji APSC system. L-Mount only has big and heavy 28mm Leica lenses (and way to expensive) and Fuji has a mediocre very old 18/2.0. The new Fuji 18/1.4 is excellent, but bigger and then there is the question of the body. My XPro2 is not the fastest, I do not like the XPro3 and my new XT5 does not yet grow on me. I like the rangefinder style more and 40MP on an APSC sensor is not always a good thing.

There are other alternatives like the Leica Q3. There are excellent reviews about the Q3, but this is a price range of Medium Format. As a consequence I look now again at Medium Format and see, whether an older model second hand could be a better solution than a Leica Q3 or a Leica 28mm SL lens with a MF price tag on it t:)

I do think that there are many hobby photographers out there, who have similar thoughts. This is why I open this thread and ask the more experienced member to share their experience for newbies into the MF world.

I found an interesting video on YouTube about a comparison between the Fujifilm GFX 50R and the Hasselblad X1D II

As you might have guessed by now, I am looking for any kind of MF body with a FFL around 36mm (the aquivilant of a 28mm in fullframe view) lens. Maybe it is a good idea to adapt a 28mm fullrame lens on a Fuj GFx body, if there is no true 28mm for GFX available?

Any recommendations, experiences etc. are welcome.
Just in terms of image quality, the X1D has beautiful color and prints come out looking very good. The Fuji has a superior autofocus and a few extra features, but not as good image quality on its prints.
I’m used to printing mostly from H series Hasselblad’s, which have exceptional print quality.
It seems that there is no real 28mm (in fullframe terms) available. Neither for the Fuji GFX system, nor for the Hasselblad XD system.

Any recommendations for a 28mm lens to adapt to both bodies?
Hi Dirk, you do have some options with the Fuji GFX if you can cope with a zoom as the (remarkably inexpensive) GF 35-70 equates to a FF 28-56mm and is of course, weather resistant. With their primes, you're limited to either 24mm or 35mm. I can certainly attest to the fine image quality of the little 35-70, though I use a GFX 50S but I see no reason to doubt it working with the 50R equally well.
Hi Dirk, you do have some options with the Fuji GFX if you can cope with a zoom as the (remarkably inexpensive) GF 35-70 equates to a FF 28-56mm and is of course, weather resistant. With their primes, you're limited to either 24mm or 35mm. I can certainly attest to the fine image quality of the little 35-70, though I use a GFX 50S but I see no reason to doubt it working with the 50R equally well.

Thank you for this tip. AFAIK the sensor of 50S and 50R is the same. I have to research this. That zoom got a good review here:

Still would prefer a small FFL though...