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FUC: Old style Hasselblad shutter release cable


New Member
I have an old Hasselblad SWA from the 50's and need the proper cable release, or the adapter that allows the use of a modern cable. If you have either one or both would like to sell please let me know. The cable I have now is not only old but feeling old. Thanks.

Send me your address per PM and I will send you an adapter .
Self made and looking as the original .
The original release cables are very hard to get and rather expensive .

Please post an image of your SWA . Please note that there is a virtual club , we call the FUC , F for 1600F/1000F cameras but also for SWA and SW and UC for user club . If you search the threads with FUC , you will find more about the HASSELBLAD vintage cameras .
Thanks Jürgen! That's really kind of you. Here is a snap of my SWA.


  • swa.jpg
    99.1 KB · Views: 64
  • swa.jpg
    99.1 KB · Views: 64

Hello Razerx,

If I can trust my eyesight you have an excellent Super Wide camera.
You just escaped from Jürgens hunt for a nice Supreme Wide Angle.

Jürgen found one after a long time only it arrived in a little different condition due to a shoebox wrapping.

Imagine how he felt after the camera turned out to be damaged in transport.
Good news is I found another one in an auction for him.

The Super Wide superceded, a lot of "super"here, the Supreme Wide Angle in 1956.
It has a strong resemblance to its predecessor.
Hasselblad does not seem to have made a point about these diffrences.
For both cameras ther is only one instruction manual.
As far as I know the manual exists in English, German and French.


Thanks for showing an image of your SW . The camera seems to be in a very good shape . You can be happy .

As Paul already pointed out , your camera is not an SWA (SUPREME WIDE ANGLE , built from 1954 till 1955) but a SUPER WIDE , production 1956 till 1957 . You can determine that by looking at the serial number , which you find at the bottom of the rear end of the camera body , when you take off the film magazine .
Yours will be something like CTxxxx but more likely CUWxxxx .

Someone actually sent that camera through the post in a shoe box?!? That is just sad :(

I had thought SWA stood for Super Wide Angle. I see now there is also a Supreme Wide Angle. Thanks for educating me. The serial number of my SW is CT-----. I do use it from time to time but not enough. My user is a non T* SWC. My SW is in really good shape with no lens wobble, no paint loss and aside from some patches of grey in the blackening the glass itself has no marks. Should I store it with the shutter cocked? I read that the 1600F was designed with the shutter cocked when at rest. I have a fondness for old lenses and my main kit is the SWC, C60/5.6, and C100/3.5 non T*. I recently added a used 203FE and got an FE110 off a friend and just bought a used CFi250SA. This is why I am lurking and posting here, to learn a thing or two from experts.

Shoebox camera

Hello Ray,

It was even worse than that:

The box inside dimensions were even less than the camera size.
To make matters worse shipping was done by a guy who owns a camera shop.

I guess lawyers will need to make a living too........

Search completed, thread moved!

The adapter has been found thanks to Jürgens reproduction line of rare items.

I moved this thread as it is more a general FUC matter now.
Store with shutter cocked or not.

Pre 1957 cameras whether they are 1600F, 1000F, SWA or SW are best stored with their shutters not cocked.
The load on their shuttersprings is best avoided.
This goes especially for the 1600F and 1000F.

The method my repair man advises is to select 1 second with a cocked shutter and release the camera after that.

Cameras from the 500 series and later are best stored with their shutters cocked.
This may sound strange but tests have shown shuttersprings do not suffer from this.
The other good reason is that a cocked camera makes immediate changing of the lens possible.
Besides that a cocked camera is instantly ready to take a picture with.
Release adapter still available?

I know this thread is over three years old, but anybody have a source for a cable release adapter for a supreme wide angle?
Three types

There were three types of cable release for the 1600F , 1000F and SWA/SW cameras . Unfortunately they are all very short .

For those collectors , who prefer a todays comon long cable release , here among sportsfinders , you can see my clones of the cable release adapter .

For those collectors , who prefer a todays comon long cable release , here among sportsfinders , you can see my clones of the cable release adapter .

View attachment 7169
Hi. I found this old thread and now I'm wondering if these cable release adapters and plugs are still available.? I recently lost mine for the 1000f and the longer standard cable releases are much more convinient to work with...