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FUC - an overview of lenses for Hasselblad 1600F/1000F


today the digital snapshot camera of my wife resurfaced and so I took the opportunity to take a picture of all the lenses that were available for the early Hasselblads. Please forgive the mediocre picture quality.

Background, left to right:

  • Hasselblad 1000F with Cook & Perkins Dallmeyer-Dallon Tele-Anastigmat 5,6/508 mm
  • Hasselblad SWA with Carl Zeiss Biogon 4,5/38 mm

Middle row, left to right:

  • Hasselblad 1600F with Kodak Ektar 2,8/80 mm
  • Hasselblad 1600F with Kodak Ektar 3,5/135 mm
  • Hasselblad 1000F with Carl Zeiss Distagon 5,6/60 mm
  • Hasselblad 1000F with Carl Zeiss Opton T Tessar 2,8/80 mm [FONT=&quot]
  • Hasselblad 1000F with Carl Zeiss Sonnar 3,5/135 mm

Foreground, left to right:

  • Hasselblad 1000F with Carl Zeiss Sonnar 5,6/250 mm
  • Hasselblad 1000F with Carl Zeiss Opton T Sonnar 4,0/250 mm


  • Hasselblad_early-web.jpg
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  • Hasselblad_early-web.jpg
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Congratulations on this collection of early Hasselblad cameras.
I happen to know they are not only beautiful but they are also in good working order.

This is the result of scanning the internet, a good slice of luck and some help from friends at the forum.

Last but not least the magic powers of a talented technician.
With his patience and persistence even the most stubborn cameras with problems that seemed impossible to solve had to give in.
This is the result of scanning the internet, a good slice of luck and some help from friends at the forum.

Last but not least the magic powers of a talented technician.
With his patience and persistence even the most stubborn cameras with problems that seemed impossible to solve had to give in.

Fully agreed!!!!


Thank you very much for this BEAUTY CONTEST image .

I envy you for the second one from left to right in the top row . :)
Comes time , comes SWA .

Do you have a decent home for your beauties , like a good glas cabinet ? ? ?

Do you have a decent home for your beauties , like a good glas cabinet ? ? ?

no, of course not. If I had a glass cabinet for my Hasselblads my wife might start to count them. Currently I do benefit from the fact that all Hasselblads look more or less the same. This also explains why I have only the chrome versions (with very few exceptions, one of them striped).

Glass cabinet


That is a great pitty , because treasures like you have shown , MUST be displayed .
I can see my little collection every day and I am always pleased to see them , not telling anybody , that sometimes I talk to them , to see how they are .
That is the interest for all the money I invested . I have really great fun every day .
no, of course not. If I had a glass cabinet for my Hasselblads my wife might start to count them. Currently I do benefit from the fact that all Hasselblads look more or less the same. This also explains why I have only the chrome versions (with very few exceptions, one of them striped).



For your sake I hope your wife does not read what is going on at the forum....... :z04_hinterherjagen:

of course I have a little glass cabinet. But it does by far not show everything. It shows the development history of Hasselblad. 1600 F from 1950, 1000 F from 1953, 500 C from 1958 and 500 EL from 1965.

Best Regards, Ulrik
Well, yesterday I had the chance to visite Vevey in Switzerland where there was an exchange place for fotography. Realy happy to find at least a Zeiss Tessar Opton 80mm for my 1000F and later I baught a complete Kit with a Zeiss Tessar 80mm that seams identical for glass but the tube are not the same size.
As I will probably keep only one 80mm, I ask witch one is better and how is it possible that 2 type of 80mm existes at this period.

Both 1000F work like a swiss clock; unhapilly impossible to put my CFV on it.
To my best knowledge the optics are the same. The older version has a longer barrel than the later one. Keep them both just in case you happen to find a nice, working 1600F (chance is close to zero, though). As Hasselblad did not produce a front body cap, 80 mm Tessars serve that purpose.

Thanks for info.
Well I will try to keep only one 1000F, 80mm/2.8 Tessar and one 250mm/5.6 (distagon 60mm is realy expensif for poor performences as I read)
When I got the 250mm I recieved a Kodak hood serie VII that was for the 80mm. I think it was a litle short and I prefer a black on a black lens.
I put this hood on my Trinar 80mm/2.9 (same as early Tessar 80mm long tube) but I got some vigneting.
I only saw a black long serie VII hood but it was written "made in Japan in so big letter that I hesited.
I recieved velvia films made with the 250mm/5.6 and now I realy believe that this lens witch share the same optical formula from 1952 to 2012 is realy excellent lens. What is interesting for 1000F user is the fact that this lens can be used at 5.6 wide open; no need to close to 8 to get heigh level of quality interesting for this lens witch has no stopping down help.
Well, this is my first "correct" picture made with 1000F and CFV-39 !

The 1000F is my first Hassy that I got 26 years ago in Saigon. It's now broken: shutter allways open, broken miror no trigger and so on. Last day I succed to modify the back part of the body to allow the cfv fitting.
So this picture was made by night, with the F 250mm /5.6 Zeiss of 1954, a just recieved Kodak serie VII hood, the 1955 broken 1000F, CFV-39 of 2009 in flash synchro mode, Leica flash SF 20 to master 2 Nikon SB-26 flash in slave mode, a solid manfrotto tripod and a screwdriver to fire the CFV digital back.
Next step is to modify one on my perfect working 1000F of 1953, use bulb flash synchro of the 1000F to fire the cfv back.
Next week I should recieve a 1954 Zeiss 60mm distagon.
Old horse never die !
I remember Ansel Adams talking about the 250 Sonnar and remarking that it was fully sharp at 5.6, of course it isn't any faster than that.... I have an original silver one and a newish black one, the new one being easier to focus and adjust, but probably optically the same formulae.

In the 70's the 60 mm Distagon was a favorite lens and had pretty good performance, still have it. The 50 wasn't as good....

Cheers: t
The 60mm/3.5 and 100mm /3.5 were calculate for Nasa standard at the end of the sixtees. The older 60mm /4.0 and 60mm/5.6 are sharp in the close center and very soft elseway.
Perhaps close to my Hasselblad F Trinar 80mm/2.9 (?)
Old Tessar 80mm/2.8 lens was replaced by the Planar in 1956
250mm /5.6 as the same glases till now, 180mm/4 is far better but for fair portrait the old lens is just perfect.
Well I just recieved a Velvia 100F back made with my 1000F. I'm realy surprized with picture made with my 60mm/5.6 and 250mm/5.6 as they are top in quality for portraits. This time the 135mm/3.5 pictures were poor in quality but perhaps the speed was too low.