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For Marc A Williams


Since you started "Hasselblad CFV Digital Back: User report" thread, and it got too big and long to be comfortable to open and read the lasts posts, I wish to ask you to start a new one continuing the older one. Besides it is always great to refresh things, if you know what I mean. thanks


I don't know if you mean you haven't seen it or if you mean it is one of a kind (it is).

It got too long now. On my connection it takes sometimes up to 12 seconds to completely download, then I can read the very last posts.

Eduardo, probably a good idea given how long it may take some on dial-up to load it.

However, I certainly won't be be adding anything to this new one after the last one deteriorated to personal slander. I just don't have the time or energy to waste on such juvenile nonsense.

If anyone wishes to discuss the CFV or has a question, just e-mail me directly... I'll be glad to help if I can.
Good idea Eduardo as I too find the length and number of image files make it's load time too long (even if with broadband we are now spoilt and impatient!
) Just give the new thread the same name and add something like"...Continued. #2".

Please don't let yourself be upset too much by a certain individual.
I've been there as well. It is simply not worth it.

Marc --

Just wanted to echo Wilko's statement and say that I for one hope that you will continue to comment especially on the CFV. As you know, I have been watching this forum for awhile and am considering diving into the MF pool and I have learned much from your comments and participation. Absent your comments, you can look forward to additional questions from me as they arise and appreciate your offer to at least continue a dialogue off-line with those who choose to do so. Thanks and best regards -- Bishop
Just wanted to echo Wilko's statement and say that I for one hope that you will continue to comment especially on the CFV. As you know, I have been watching this forum for awhile and am considering diving into the MF pool and I have learned much from your comments and participation. Absent your comments, you can look forward to additional questions from me as they arise and appreciate your offer to at least continue a dialogue off-line with those who choose to do so. Thanks and best regards -- Bishop

Me too!! I never would have bought the CFV without the CFV thread and your comments.


For someone less experienced with medium format and Hasselblad, as I am, you are a master and a great inspiration. You seem to have the patience to explain things in plain english to us novice user and for that I would like to thank you.

Though I may end up broke because of you :) but loving every minute of it :)

thanks for giving so much here

A Dane Down Under
Nice sentiments my friends, but when individuals are allowed to go unchecked by getting very personal with statements that are at best rude, at worst slanderous ... then the line has been crossed. The internet is very accessible to anyone, and if one googles a name, such slanderous implications can become quite public.

That thread was a report on my experiences with the CFV, and contained information both good and bad (Jurgen's misfortune) from actual users. It has been spoiled by a rotten apple
spreading his venomous negativity with abandon .... and doing so without a single shread of actual experience on the subject.

If he has an axe to grind with Hasselblad, I do wish he'd take it up with them, not me and others just trying to share real world information for others to weigh in any decision making process they may be engaged in.

My question is ... where the hell are the moderators?

I have been lurking on this site for a long time, I think it's a great site and I value your contributions. I have never felt the need to post before now, but I feel compelled to post now in support of you and your posts.

From my impartial POV, I have never found anything inflammatory about your comments.

The things you are accused of are ludicrous. Keep posting, your thoughts are invaluable.

Roh Smith
Hi Marc,

I'm really glad you've bounced back. The comments, whether justified or not, were surprisingly harsh and extended and I'll be very pleased if that's the end of them. The secret society of Hasselblad users was a little irksome, but you've scored enough points to ignore that in my book.

I am biased because, your output has guided me through several important purchases and the info you've put out has made a difference to my earnings. Your enthusiasm for the CFV is commendable and if anyone can point me in the direction of another thread anywhere on the web that's half as informative as this thread, I'd be very grateful.

I'm horrified at Jurgen's experience and like others will watch carefully for similar experiences. There does not appear to be a trend, which is comforting, and in comparison to the problem riddled M8 (if only for some) it appears to be pretty manageable. In the UK this CFV approximates US11,500 and at that price, I'd like it to be confident of buying a completely reliable one.

This Forum has become much more active of late and much of it is due to the unselfish input from especially yourself and Simon Galbally, plus some others. At times, I feared it would die on the vine, but hopefully this debate will come to some good. I hope so. Please keep posting.

I'm sorry, but i cannot let that go without a single remark.


The entire thing was not about your expertise, not about "having an axe to grind with Hasselblad", or anything else of that ilk.

It was indeed about "individuals" not being "allowed to go unchecked by getting very personal with statements that are at best rude, at worst slanderous".
It was about you (!!!), Marc, slandering people, being rude to people who (by your own, truthful, admission) you do not even know.

Just stop that, and all is well again.
You continuing in your "slanderous" vein in long (winded) posts is fine.
Anything that tries to counter that is a waste of bandwidth.
Surprising? Not at all. It still fits the pattern.
Seems it would be better for all concerned if you took this to email rather then putting those of us who get emals each time there is a new post through the problems you have with one another. I imagine most of us care about cameras, not this.

Personally, I am on the verge of buying a CFV so whatever I read on it is helpful. But this personal stuff is ridiculous. I doubt a few negative comments are going to put Hasselblad out of business. On the contrary, it should make them fix the issues that 'some' are having and make the next generation better.
Why on Earth would I want to discuss anything with this person, on or off line?

However I agree that it's a waste of member's time and bandwidth and will try to ignore further bating by Q.G.