Hi Marc,
I'm really glad you've bounced back. The comments, whether justified or not, were surprisingly harsh and extended and I'll be very pleased if that's the end of them. The secret society of Hasselblad users was a little irksome, but you've scored enough points to ignore that in my book.
I am biased because, your output has guided me through several important purchases and the info you've put out has made a difference to my earnings. Your enthusiasm for the CFV is commendable and if anyone can point me in the direction of another thread anywhere on the web that's half as informative as this thread, I'd be very grateful.
I'm horrified at Jurgen's experience and like others will watch carefully for similar experiences. There does not appear to be a trend, which is comforting, and in comparison to the problem riddled M8 (if only for some) it appears to be pretty manageable. In the UK this CFV approximates US11,500 and at that price, I'd like it to be confident of buying a completely reliable one.
This Forum has become much more active of late and much of it is due to the unselfish input from especially yourself and Simon Galbally, plus some others. At times, I feared it would die on the vine, but hopefully this debate will come to some good. I hope so. Please keep posting.