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Focusing screens

Hi, these focusing screens can be interchanged withing seconds. Theres is no single best choice! get one with split image and another one for "available light" indoor focusing. Again, (see post above) Maxwell Hi-Lux Brillant Matte still has good snap!

I agree Minolta Acute Matte D is overkill for sunny beach photos, e.g. italian summer holiday.
Minolta Acute Matte D is brighter than Hi-Lux Brillant Matte.

I think the lack of comments about Bright-Matte screens reflects the scarcity of these things. They were offered for a very brief period only (one year, immediately before the Acute Mattes arrived), and i guess hardly anyone ever bought one. So nobody will be able to comment from first hand experience.

The same will apply to the Optofiber screen.
I bought one of those Octofiber screens on e/bay last month and my first hand experience is that it's a nice "interem" model; not too bright & with just enough "snap" to make it very pleasant to use. The thing I like best about it is that there's nothing to interfere with image composition as the screen is entirely plain. Perhaps one would work for you also.

One note: the Bright-Matte and the Optofiber screens are two very different things. You can't judge the one by comments about the other.