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Focusing Screen, NC2, NC2-100 questions


Where there ever any focusing screens that contained two pieces of glass in them?

What I mean by this was there ever a Standard Type Screen or Accumate screen made with the four lines on it and then there was a fresnel type glass put underneath it where the fresnel glass was in its own frame and then fit into the other frame so the top glass sat on the bottom glass either to make it brighter or magnify the view.

I did notice that there is only one frame and one piece of glass in my 201F where the 500 C/M has the top piece in a frame and another piece of a fresnal type glass in a frame that is inserted and sits inside the frame of the top screen.

NC-2 questions:

Is there an easy way to tell the difference between the NC-2 and NC-2 100? I have two of these and I am trying to figure out what they are.

Thanks in advance,
The NC-2 was made from 1963 to 1982. The NC-2 100 from 1981-1984. The eye piece of the NC-2 100 is angled more vertically in order to allow for the use of a Polaroid back.

I am in Richard Nordins book and I did look up the NC-2 and NC-2 100. I do have a poloroid back and I will see if it will clear the NC-2's that I have. I think I am finally down to what I want in my gear with a few exceptions so I am starting to sell off things I do not need to offset my initial costs.

I can also see the different focus screens in nordin's book, but I am not sure how to figure out what I have.

It looks like I have the paperclip in this forum so I can post images but not i the Classified. I am going to post a picture of the of the 500 C/M and C/12 that I am selling off for my first test of posting images here.

The last image is of my new Basenji Puppy on my Sailboat with me.



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Opps forgot to get the bottom of the 500 CM in there that Poly asked about some time ago. I will add it here.


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Acute Matte screens consist of the screen part and a cover that is on top of the fresnel part of the Acute Matte.

These brighter screens are made from a material that does not like fluids. Even water can do funny things to an Acute Matte.
Cleaning only by blowing with dry air!

I have not seen the classic screen removed from its frame yet.
No idea if that screen is one part or also two sections.

The NC2 and the NC2-100 are quite difficult to tell apart.


Left without eye cup fitting the NC2-100


Left the NC2-100

Measured from the plated ground plate till the center of the curved part the NC2-100 is about 20 mm where the NC2 is only 13 mm.
That difference is enough to clear the Polaback 100.

Finding a fitting and eye cup for the NC2-100 is on my list of things to do.
It is only one of many things that need attention.


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All this talking about screens has made me thirsty although it is not even mid day I think I will have a whisky.

What do Johnnie Walker and Acute Matte have in common?

Both names are often spelled wrong.
A free drink in any bar is easily earned by asking how " Johnnie Walker " is spelled.
Acute Matte screens consist of the screen part and a cover that is on top of the fresnel part of the Acute Matte.

These brighter screens are made from a material that does not like fluids. Even water can do funny things to an Acute Matte.
Cleaning only by blowing with dry air!

I have not seen the classic screen removed from its frame yet.
No idea if that screen is one part or also two sections.

The NC2 and the NC2-100 are quite difficult to tell apart.

View attachment 417

Left without eye cup fitting the NC2-100

View attachment 418

Left the NC2-100

Measured from the plated ground plate till the center of the curved part the NC2-100 is about 20 mm where the NC2 is only 13 mm.
That difference is enough to clear the Polaback 100.

Finding a fitting and eye cup for the NC2-100 is on my list of things to do.
It is only one of many things that need attention.

I have taken apart the screen on the 500 CM for cleaning and noticed there were two separate pieces of glass in it. The bottom one was the fresnel part. it has its own frame that fits into the top part. If I do it again I will post some images.

I found it interesting that the 201F only had a one piece of glass in it. Paul does your 203FE view screen only have a single piece of glass?

I will measure both my NC-2's now that I have something to go by. I know I might keep one of them but I would like to list the one I sell properly.

I also have a PME 51 that should be here tommorow or the next day, and maybe it will replace the NC-2 for good.
Hi Jason,

I am glad you found the paperclip in the tool bar.
You will be surprised to hear there is also a paperclip in the classified section.
That is only there at the time of posting

You can only ad pictures before the post/ad is inserted in the forum.
Adding pictures later in a post after it was inserted in the thread of the forum is not possible for posters. Moderators can do that though.
I have added the pictures of both film back and 500 CM in your ad.

Please note links to commercial entreprises and sales sites are not allowed on this forum.
I removed that link in your ad as it is now complete with pictures.

Maybe the text can use some information about asking price for the back and the body. Does the flim back have matching numbers i.e. are they the same for the housing and the insert?

Thanks for taking your first generation screen apart.
Nice to know it also consists of two layers.
As far as I know all Acute Matte screens are twinlayer which makes me wonder what kind of screen you have in the 201F?
