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Florida Softshell Turtle


Florida Softshell Turtle.jpg
Florida Softshell Turtle (Trionyx Ferox)

HB 501cm w/250mm Sonnar and Phase One P30 ISO 200


  • Florida Softshell Turtle.jpg
    Florida Softshell Turtle.jpg
    119.9 KB · Views: 53
softshell turtle

Beautiful picture that confirms the proficiency of 250 mm lens in wildlife photography. I have been intersted in reptiles from my childhood and the Trionyx is IMHO one of most fascinating. Is the picture taken in Everglades?
Cordially Ale
Thank you Ale,
Yes, this guy was found in the Loxahatchee Slough in Palm Beach County.
The 250mm Sonnar is very sharp and small enough to be easy to carry around.
Thanks for looking,
The 250mm Sonnar is very sharp and small enough to be easy to carry around.

Yes, and mind: never forget to carry a 16 or 21 mm ring with this lens every time you can!
Cordially Ale