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Flexbody Stray Light Mask


New Member
Hi...I'm in need of a Flexbody stray light mask The small one that goes inside the body back. Does anyone have one or know where I can get one? Even called Hasselblad USA and they don't have them in stock any more. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
PolyPal....good point. The part # of the stray light mask is 72442 and can be seen in the illustration below (part 21 in the manual diagram):


  • StrayLightMask.jpg
    66.9 KB · Views: 6
  • StrayLightMask.jpg
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A part number and a drawing is more than I hoped for excellent!

In the last pricelist I have still this mask is still listed at 6 euro + sales tax.
That does not mean it is still available of course.

I'd gladly pay 15 Euros or more just to get one. Can you post the info so that I can check it out? I'd really, really sincerely appreciate it and I thank you for your reply.
As it happens I had some things on order that were about to be sent.
I added the mask as a last minute order.
I have no idea if this order will be served.
All Flexbody items are sold as long as stock lasts.

Paul....thanks so much for your efforts. I've sent you a private message also. I know that parts are scarce as I've been working with Hasselblads since 1972 - I just can't justify dumping my vast warehouse of V system equipment when they all work so well.. They're used and loved every day so why bother going to the H system......thanks again.
Sounds like a sensible decision to me.
If only Hasselblad would value long time users of the V system a little more.
That would be a nice start for the new year.

Nothing against Hasselblad USA in New Jersey.
They still provide the service we used to enjoy in Europe.....
Update: I received an email from Eric Peterson at Hasselblad Digital's office in Atlanta, Georgia. He's called New Jersey for me to "rattle the cage" and see if they can find a mask in the pipeline. I'll keep you posted. Maybe your contact will come through with one, thanks again for your help, Paul.
Little chance of masks in the pipeline. You need to find one that is gathering dust in a Hasselblad store somewhere.
Good luck.

stray light mask #72442

The stray light mask #72442 is discontinued and no longer available from Hasselblad USA or Hasselblad AB (factory).

The suggestion by Polypal of checking dealer inventory is valid and certainly worth the effort.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
Hello Paul,

Welcome to the forum that is devoted exclusively to Hasselblad cameras and other products.

You are right it will take a bit of luck to find the mask Jim is looking for.
Sofar I have had no succes finding one.
Hasselblad UK, Hasselblad Germany and several large international dealers do not happen to have one in stock.
I got some more arrows left but chances are getting smaller.

Forum moderator.
Hello Paul,

Welcome to the forum that is devoted exclusively to Hasselblad cameras and other products.

You are right it will take a bit of luck to find the mask Jim is looking for.
Sofar I have had no succes finding one.
Hasselblad UK, Hasselblad Germany and several large international dealers do not happen to have one in stock.
I got some more arrows left but chances are getting smaller.

Forum moderator.

Anybody got a picture of such a mask? Maybe you can make one yourself..


I have that mask , but no image .
It is basically just a slide-in frame . It prevents light to fall on the screen , from left and right side . No problem for me to make one . Provided you get a good material . It should be of black plastic . Not nylon ! ! !
But it will be very , very time consuming to make one .


I have that mask , but no image .
It is basically just a slide-in frame . It prevents light to fall on the screen , from left and right side . No problem for me to make one . Provided you get a good material . It should be of black plastic . Not nylon ! ! !
But it will be very , very time consuming to make one .



I believe what you are describing is the Stray light protection slide, product #72411 that inserts into the focus screen adapter.

The Stray light mask is a thin metal frame that is inserted into the rear mount of the Flexbody and prevents stray light from exposing between the frames on the film when performing tilts.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
Hello Jim,

I found the mask!
Do not thank me yet. Wait till the thing arrives with me to be absolutely sure it is the right part.

It comes from a supplier where I ordered more items that will be sent together with the mask.
