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Finder problem maybe


New Member
Hello to everybody,

I'm another newcomer into the Hasselblad world, with an odd problem.
I am using a 500C/M with a 150mm lens and a non-original waist level finder, I guess is the one done for Kiev cameras.

My problem is that, when I am composing the image, I see lot of reflections in the focusing screen, up to a level that I cannot see the scene I'm trying to photograph: most of the time I see my big face on the screen!

This happens with different lighting conditions: could it be related to the lens? I've never tried a standard 80mm (I'm a newbie).

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Massimo, I have both the 'blad and the Kiev waist-level finders and find little to choose between them...the Kiev opens more easily, but otherwise they are pretty much alike in use. Reflections will probably cease to be a problem if you flip up the magnifier and work through it as is my habit...I always compose, focus, and shoot with the glass up and my eye down close to it (learned to do that years ago in the twin-lens days).
Dear Massisimo

I doubt whether the finder would make much of a difference - all it is (either Hassie or Kiev) is a means of shielding light from the screen.

I just wonder whether you have the lens at full aperture or whether it might be partially stopped down? If the image is dim you will have difficulty seeing it on the screen and the reflections will be more apparent. Also - what type of screen is it? If it is an early C/M it may not have the acute matte screen which gives (according to me) around 2 stops extra brightness. There are ways of identifying the screen type but otherss on this forum may be better at this than me.


Best wishes Gareth

Your problem is caused by the viewfinder image being less bright than what's above it.
The solution is to use your hand (or anything else available) as an extension of the finder, and bring your head in close enough so your eye is in the shade thus created.

Using a prism finder will also help.