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Film Consumption Indicator

Greetings, everyone. I'm going through my first 220 roll on my new 500 C/M with an A24 back. I'm currently at the 11th frame and have not noticed the film consumption indicator gradually change to red. It is still a solid silver. At what point does the indicator begin to turn red?

I'm positive that I loaded the film correctly. I was under the assumption that the red indicator would move slightly with each exposure and turn of the crank because the manual states the indicator "gradually turns red as the film is exposed."

Am I jumping the gun here and worrying prematurely? Again, I'm certain the film was loaded properly and the indicator was red when there was no film in the magazine.

I appreciate your input.
Greetings, everyone. I'm going through my first 220 roll on my new 500 C/M with an A24 back. I'm currently at the 11th frame and have not noticed the film consumption indicator gradually change to red. It is still a solid silver. At what point does the indicator begin to turn red?

I'm positive that I loaded the film correctly. I was under the assumption that the red indicator would move slightly with each exposure and turn of the crank because the manual states the indicator "gradually turns red as the film is exposed."

Am I jumping the gun here and worrying prematurely? Again, I'm certain the film was loaded properly and the indicator was red when there was no film in the magazine.

I appreciate your input.

Cannot speak from experience with an A24, but on an A12 the indicator indeed gradually shows more and more red.

Thanks for the feedback, Wilko. I just finished the roll and the indicator started showing red after about the 13th shot. It didn't show all red when I finished the roll and I found that rather odd, but we'll see how the shots look.

Thanks again.
Film indicator

The mechanism of the indicator is a flimsy construction that can easily be disturbed.
Bending the levers a bit may give a more acurate indication of the amount of film used.
Thanks for the feedback, Wilko. I just finished the roll and the indicator started showing red after about the 13th shot. It didn't show all red when I finished the roll and I found that rather odd, but we'll see how the shots look.

Thanks again.

To be honest, I never look at that red "thingy". I only use the frame counter.
