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F lense questions..

Looks like my 50 should be here sometime tomorrow and then I will know if the hood is with it like it should be.

The hood is not very long but it hep to carry the 93mm filters.

The hasselblad 93mm filters are hard to find. (I'm looking for a red one) And very expensive.

I diden't realize that it may possible to lokk for 86mm filters to fitt between the lens and the hood.
I just had a call with HELIOPAN .

Series 93 dropin filters are still available , but not as polarizer .
The prize for a red filter , for example , is 85€ + V.A.T.
Good luck .
Thanks for speedy answer !

The prize is correct for new filter.

And what about 86mm filter. Perhaps they are more eazy to fitt.

I wonder what you mean by a drop in polarizer.
That seems strange to me as the front section of the polarizer will need adjustment for optimum effect.

93 mm pola filters are scarce and sought after, they are quite expensive.


50/2.8 F lens with shade and retainer ring fitted.


lens with shade, inlay filter and retainer ring.


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Series 93 dropin filters are still available , but not as polarizer .

Paul , that is what I said : but not as polarizer .
Although , technically , it would be possible , no doubt .
I beleive , I have once seen such a construction . All you would have to do , is affix the dropin filter , so that a turnable front element could still operate .


I have once seen a filter like that mentioned.
There was no picture with that inlay pola filter.

Still I wonder why use such a complcated construction when a front mounted pola filter will be easy to operate.

Ok, I got my 50mm 2.8 today. It did not have the hood ring or the other one. So after doing some research including a call to Hasselblad, I came up with these part numbers.

There are two parts to the hood, and one of them is for the drop in gel filters.

50 F2.8 F 40706 (93) SHADE


I did find another shade listed which I gather is also a shade but for 86mm filters. If I remember the number right is was 40584 and was for 86mm filters.

93 HAZE (51411) FILTER

I was lucky enough to find these items so I thought I better order them.

I am also checking out my 50 2.8 lens and educating myself as to how it works. After receiving the 80mm 2.8 and discovering the aperture button was stuck in the down(lock)position, I want to really understand the construction and operation so I can feel confident that the 50 2.8 is going to function properly.

At first I did not see the aperture blades moving when I changed the F stops. So I got back into the 201F manual to see if I was doing something wrong. Unlike some, I usually can find most answers related to operation of a camera, lens, or accessory by reading the manual.

I discovered that normally the F lenses are opened to the largest aperture and that to see the aperture blades I needed to me the depth of field preview button into the locked position. It appears the aperture blades are there and do appear to work. I imagine lens will work with the depth of field in the locked position.

If I understand the rest correctly, apparently the rear element in the lens moves backwards and forward in the lens so focus can be achieved. I did notice that when this rear element moves forward, I can see all some of the mechanics inside. This makes me wonder how often lubrication is needed since the back of the lens is open when the element moves. I also wonder if this movement allows more infiltration of dust.

It will be interesting to see how much my images with this lens might be degraded and what kind of distortion I might get if I use it with a 2x teleconverter.

Another thing I am looking into is using the professional lens shade set up on this lens.

Anyway, this is pretty much an update on my progress.

Paul , that is what I said : but not as polarizer .
Although , technically , it would be possible , no doubt .
I beleive , I have once seen such a construction . All you would have to do , is affix the dropin filter , so that a turnable front element could still operate .


My current Canon 300mm 2.8 and my the 200 1.8 I just sold uses a drop in polarizer filter. You rotate it with a little wheel that is mounted on one side of the filter that locks in the outer body of the lens.
