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External cell for D40 flash


Ok, it's not possible, it does not exist !

However it should be possible. I tried this heavy experiment:

I use a 503CX with a 80mm exposed in "T" , plug the flash wire to the body and used the syncho flash to another camera (Leica M8) SO the Hasselblad beacame a heavy external cell for my D-40 used for my other camera. Not realy practical but it proves that a clever man could built and sell a integrated cell to convert the D-40 to a normal flash (not hasselblad-TTL-only !)

No one wants to try to build this funny stuff here ?

Sure that is a nice hack. The electronics associated with the flash sensor in the Hasselblad bodies are quite basic so it should absolutely be do-able to produce your own little external sensor. A bit like a Metz Mecamat maybe.

One showed here the 2000fc electic drawing. With the the ttl electric drawing it will be resolved !
Who has the code ?
BTW where to find a substitute extention sca cord for hasselblad-TTL ?
It's hard to imagine that Hasselblad invent a new type of wire and the prize is realy to mutch.
Any idea ?

What exactly do you mean with "sca cord for Hasselblad TTL" ? The Metz SCA390?


An extension cords was available from Hasselblad:
1 meter part 55120 or 5 meter part 55147
Price was about 60 euro a few years back.
The best way is to get a Lemo plug (Swiss made) that fits the D 40 and have a cable made to your requirements.
Maybe fitting a cel inside the D40 with a switch to choose internal or external, camera, control is a better way to accomplish your wish.

Hello Paul,

I know that this thread is somewhat old but still valid...

Do you have any idea what Lemo plug that fit the TTL-system for 500-series?

...only 3 years old !

I havn't any answer. I found years ago a Hasselblad ttl 1 meter wire on B.
Not bad.
do not use my D40 so often, as the metering with digital back is not good.
Now I sell my old flash and buy flashs witch have 2 important points:
Slave mode
Partial power manual mode

Nikon flash are very good for this !

Funny to realize I got very good results with a Leica 50mm 2.0, a Nikon SB-26 flash on my ....Canon 450D (with a AF confrm ring)
Hello Paul,

I know that this thread is somewhat old but still valid...

Do you have any idea what Lemo plug that fit the TTL-system for 500-series?



I do not know the partnumber for the plug but I do have several of those available for sale.
There are several faulty D 40 flashes lying around here.
Make me a sensible offer and you get a DIY kit that will keep you occupied for a while........