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Distagon CFE 40 with flexbody or PCMutar converer


New Member
Does anyhave has experience with using the Distagon CFE 40 with flexbody or PC-Mutar converer. I was told that using the CFE 40 with the flexbody limits the ability to shift close to zero. Despite this information I'm not sure if this is correct since shifting with PC-Mutar is possible by (I guess) +- 16 mm.

shifting with the PC-Mutar is possible because it is a converter which focusses only part of the image-circle on the film. This not comparable to the situation on the flexbody.
Hi to everybody, I was considering to buy a flexbody but is it worth it using with the CF40mm lens? The use of a flexbody in Macro could be fine, but for architecture photographies does it worth it the buy?
I'm afraid is better to buy a large format camera.
Any suggestions are wellcome
Greetings from Rome to all
[Hi to everybody, I was considering to buy a flexbody but is it worth it using with the CF40mm lens? The use of a flexbody in Macro could be fine, but for architecture photographies does it worth it the buy? I'm afraid is better to buy a large format camera. Any suggestions are wellcome Greetings from Rome to all]

I don't think you get much shift with the 40mm Distagon. It may be less than 5mm. Not the best solution for architecture.

The solution that I use is the 40mm Distagon with the PC Mutar 1.4x. While true that the end result is 56mm, you do get 15mm of shift in either direction. If that doesn't work, then perhaps you should look at the view camera solution.

> Hi Sandro if you are going to do a lot of architecture images and if you want to do that with medium format , then i would not go for a flexbody but a arcbody.i know the arcbody is not built anymore but you can try on the used camera market or even try . there are still some arcbodies available . if that does not help so go for a ARCA SWISS 6x9 camera which is very good and can use medium format films. i have one myself and am delighted. regards jurgen
Wow, Your answer have been fast and careful as well.
I was attracted by this "wonder-all in one -stuff", but its price makes me think to other solutions.
Thank you all.
You could find an ex&le here
)) It is my picture with 40mm Distagon & flexbody. It was the maximal angle.
RGDS, Dmitry
Thanks Dimitry, the shot is rearely fine...but the strange focus is due to the FlexBody shift?
I mean...If you want to keep perspective correct, you loose sharpness? I hope is your technique ;-)
Flexbody has it's limitations. That is true. Although with CFi 50 mm f:4 FLE (70 mm filter bayonet) you get 12 mm of shift if used with out filter and hood. Manufacturer promises just 5 mm for older CF with 60 mm filter bayonet. That 12 mm is still limited, but the angle opening upwards is already slightly wider than with SWC. I would say that for many cases Flexbody is worth of it's (low) price.

Kerkko K.