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Disappointment Exploring Digital Backs from Leaf


I have to say that after attempting to get information out of Leaf today that I really was disappointed.

While this might be old news to some, apparently they do not even make a square sensor back for Hasselblad anymore. According what I was told, they do not really support any of their older products.

Today I had one of their sales people tell me that while their backs will work on a 500 C/M body but not on a 201F because of the Focal plane shutter. When I explained to him that the focal plane shutter could be shut down and the camera basically becomes a fully mechanical 501 C/M and can use the same lenses as the 500 C/M he just could not seem to grasp it. In fact he went on to repeat himself several times and claimed from his experience, that the 201 in C mode will not work properly. So finally I told the guy that I was getting the impression that he really did not seem interested in selling me a back at all. All of a sudden he changed his tune and told me that was not true. When I started to ask him questions in regard to the measurements of the sensor size, he told me well he did not have the spec in front of him but it was a 6x4.5 in size. When I asked if they ever got refurbs like Hasselblad does, he said not often.

What I guess I do not understand, is how these people can be in the business of selling high dollar items like digital backs, and not understand the model differences they will run into. I personally have only been researching about 3 weeks, and while I am sure I know just enough to be dangerous, compared to the guy I spoke with today, I feel like I have a wealthy of knowledge.

I feel like I got a much warmer reception from both the Hasselblad and Phase One reps I spoke with. I am thinking that 16MP is enough for me, and both Phase and Hassy offer the square format which can be cropped to a 6x4.5 if necessary.


You learned without spending one dollar that the most important thing in digital is support.

If a sales rep does not have the correct information to help you even before
there is a sale how can he help you later when you need more information
when you have questions?
This guy should have said I am sorry I will have to get back to you after I had a chat with the experts at Leaf.

A good dealer with knowledgeable staff is worth more than the best back you can buy.

It's a fact that's hard to trust.

Here in Geneva the shops do not want to sell any Hasselebld stuff.
I have to contact the official dealer "" but most of stuff I need are not in production anymore.

New 202FA standard viewfinder and -1 dioptry lens for instance.

I had to send mail to get news about H3 and CWD promo.

Last years I had to buy a new caps for my 45mm X-pan lens. I needed friends in Japan to get a fuji one in Japan. It took 3 weeks for delivery however.

Perhaps Hasselblad should use Ebay as official dealer, it can't not be worse.
I can help you with a -1 dioptre lens for a view finder.
There is quite a selection of those here.

The special WLF is no longer available from Hasselblad.
It is possible to modify a normal WLF to make it suitable for the 200 series cameras.

With help from good repairshops all V series cameras can be serviced and kept in good working order.
If you have any problems finding parts or service please contact me.

Thanks; I found the -1 diopter on B after trying in shops and directly from the swiss import.
Last years they sold a demo 203FE without the standard viewfinder.
It's not rare to see 203 body for sale without any viewfinder. The 203 viewfinders are sold at height level, not far from the "old new" price

For the standard viewfinder I modified one myself. The result is nor perfect. I would like to watch at an official one to see how they avoid properly the entrance of light by sunny shots.
Once again I am surpirsed by the use of the word "demo".

A camera that was last produced in 2004 can not be called demo in 2007.
Demo is reserved for new items not older than 1 year that were taken out of the box to be shown to customers.
Anything older with more signs of use is no longer a demo but a used item.
I feel like I got a much warmer reception from both the Hasselblad and Phase One reps I spoke with. I am thinking that 16MP is enough for me, and both Phase and Hassy offer the square format which can be cropped to a 6x4.5 if necessary.


Jason, the 16 meg square backs can be cropped to a 645 aspect ratio ... but it somewhat limits the resolution since the square sensors are 39X39. However, even cropped, the images are spectaular : -)

If you want a 16 meg back for a V camera, I suggest looking for a CFV ... it is the only back that doesn't require a sync cord from the lens sync port to the digital back. A Phase One back would require this.
Jason, the 16 meg square backs can be cropped to a 645 aspect ratio ... but it somewhat limits the resolution since the square sensors are 39X39. However, even cropped, the images are spectaular : -)

If you want a 16 meg back for a V camera, I suggest looking for a CFV ... it is the only back that doesn't require a sync cord from the lens sync port to the digital back. A Phase One back would require this.

I was under the impression that to use the CFV on the 201F that you had to use C type lenses and run a sync cord from the lens to the back as well. I will look into this further. Thanks for the post.

I was under the impression that to use the CFV on the 201F that you had to use C type lenses and run a sync cord from the lens to the back as well. I will look into this further. Thanks for the post.


Jason, I had forgot that this post started by discussing the 201F ... so yes a sync cord also needs to be used with the C lenses. This is also true for the 2000FC/FMC, 2003FCW, 203FE, 205 TCC/FCC when using "C" lenses in the C-Mode setting.

The only fully supported 200 cameras are the 202FA, 203FE, 205TCC and 205 FCC with F/FE, and CF lenses set to the F mode (after the camera has been modified for digital use.)