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Digital Xpan?

I've heard this rumour as well.

As Fuji made the original Xpan and is having great success with their new X100, and X1 pro, it is a real possibility that we will see a digital Xpan!

Very exiting prospects!
If the rumour is true and the camera is near completion then they would do well to announce it before the Leica announcement on May 10th.
Hi Keith

Curious to see what Leica will announce.
That said, I don't think it will be in panoramic format - the factor that made the Xpan so unique.

In any case - time to start saving the pennies!

Best, S:)
Hi Sinuhe

Yes, you're right.

Actually I don't think I'm in the market for a panoramic solution but never say never.

Either way it'll be interesting to see what either, or both, come up with.

