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Differences between H3D & H3D 11?

Hi all

I'd be very grateful if some kind soul could point me to any information that lists the differences between the older H3D models and the more recent H3D 11 models.


Keith Laban wrote:

"I'd be very grateful if some kind soul could point me to any information that lists the differences between the older H3D models and the more recent H3D 11 models. "

Noise. The older version is fan cooled, the new has a large heat sink. The difference in noise is discernable.

Post edited due to incorrect quote.
Forum moderator
The only true loss with the introduction of the II series is the loss of film back compatibility. So you now have to take two bodies with you if you want to use digital and film, or in case you want a film back as a back up. A real pity.

Hi Keith!

The differences are well covered here.

IMO, the biggest difference is price. Lightly used H3D/39s are going for pretty decent prices these days.

I had both. The noise is not that big of a difference unless you're really shooting up a storm. That difference was more a result of new software updates ... which applies to the H3D/39 just as much as the H3D-II/39.

The filter and screen are probably the biggest differences ... IF you use a LCD for evaluation. The filter is supposed to be an improvement. I'll take their word for it. But I also suspect that filter has a softer surface and scratches easier.

If you also use film, then the H3D is the better choice ... that, or the H2F with a Hasselblad CF/39 back ... which then can be used on other MF cameras ... including a Hasselblad 500 series system if you have one.