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Did it Just bought a 50mm CFI


New Member
Well I did it. I found a used 50mm CFI for a decent price in Ex+ (KEH- condition) that was only just over a $100 more than a CF FLE also in Ex+ condition would have cost me. I'm still flinching over it as it's the most I have ever paid for a used lens. The most expensive used lens I'd bought until now was for a SINAR selected Schneider 360mm Large format lens in a copal #3 for $1100 back in the late 90's. I thought I was mad then... I got over it pretty quick with the results I got, but any rate.

Anyway, I got the CFI for $1299 which I think is not too bad compared to what I have seen them of the CF FLE's go for on Fleabay in a lot worse shape. I'm trying to justify my purchase so bare with me, but I know KEH is very conservative on their lens rankings so I am certain I should have a decent quality lens.

Cannot wait to try it, and compare it side by side with my Mamiya 6 50mm lens. I know some tests were done giving the Mamiya 50mm the edge on overall performance due to it being a true symmetrical lens and non retrofocus design. Anyway, my reasoning for having the two systems is A, have the mamiya for traveling/hiking, and when I am not too worried about keystoning and converging verticals which I find really hard to judge with the Mamiya 6 kit. I'll NEVER part with it!

I have owned a Blad before and really like the flexibility as a system, and the SLR seeing what you get unlike the RF. Both have their own strengths, and I just want the best of both worlds!

Just thought I'd share about my new acquisition.
Congratulations! I have purchased five lenses from KEH and they have all be in better condition than I expected. I have the 50 FLE and it is the one that stays on the camera the most.


Congrats. I am sure you will like the 50.

As of trying to justify substantial investments: you are not alone.
My 40 is the most expensive lens I own, and its price was enough
to give me some 2nd thoughts.

But remember: no coffin comes with a money vault, so enjoy while
you can.

Another good thing about KEH is that you can be sure the lens has been checked out and is in good working order.

Reminder about the FLE: Be sure and set the FLE ring before you fine focus. If you reverse the process, your images will not be sharp. Martin
Thanks for the advice and feedback. I'm feeling a lot better about the purchase than I was yesterday.
Well done Andrew - great buying. And most importantly you will enjoy the 50mm - a lovely angle of view and a top quality Zeiss product.