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D40 fill flah Thank you Marc Williams


Just a quick post to thank Marc for a great deal of advice using a D40 with my 503CW. He is the God of fill flash!
This is the first serious wedding that I have shot using a Hassy and I am really delighted with the pics.

Attached ia an ex&le
503CW, 120 Makro Planar, Fuji NPH exposed at 320, D40 Fill flash ASA 800 with gold wide angle reflector. (Thats what the man told me to do!)

I do agree with Marc, this is a really great site. I look forward to sharing what I know.

Richard Marks
Pic as described
Beautiful. Looks like you had a bit of a diffuser on the lens (???) or the shutter speed was just a fraction slow. Whatever, it looks good.

The wide gold reflector is suppose to be for the 50 and 40, but it seems it works for longer lenses also ...I gotta try that myself.

Darn, I have a wedding tomorrow and I have to use all digital. Can't get stuff like this with a digital camera, and I don't care who keeps trying to say you can ... it's just baloney.
Hi Marc

I used the Softar 2. I find it is OK on the 120 which close up is sometimes a bit too sharp. I know you think the Softar 2 is a bit excessive but used up close I think it works nicely with the 120 makro planar. I did a trial run with the gold reflector and was suprised that for a bit of fill it works with this lens. I am not sure if it would be so good as the main light source though!

I know what you mean about digital. It is difficult to put ones finger on it but I think its almost too clinical. It may be small flaws and inconsistencies which gives the film image a 'hand made' feel. However If I had to earn a living doing weddings I am sure Id be doing the digital thing too!

Thanks again for all your help and advice. (Now Im trading ideas with you! What a great site)

Hope your wedding is OK tomorrow.
Can't get stuff like this with a digital camera, and I don't care who keeps trying to say you can ... it's just baloney.>

I hope more of your fellow pros see the light as you have Mark and publish some compelling articles, and change the destiny of film, film cameras, and the minds of the businessmen in control.



I know this was posted awhile ago but I have been on the road for awhile!
I fear that won't happen at the pro level as much as we would like it to.

Commercial work is increasingly digital and the MF backs are getting better and better.

On a brighter note, I just bought 50 rolls of Fuji 400 220 for $2.99 a roll : -)

Film has soul.
Can't you folks in the UK order from B&H in New York? At $2.99 a roll even with import duty it would still be a bargain wouldn't it?

Can't wait to shoot some film. I'm sick to death of processing digital files.
If you look at B&H shipping cost to europe , then you will not order anything at their shop .
That's just the trouble .
That's the trouble and then if you get whacked with customs and excise duties and VAT as well, it makes it not worth it.
I wonder if it would get Xrayed on the way over.

Most probably many parcels get x-rayed . I bought a HASSELBLAD lens in Italy , and when it arrived , there was a sticker on the parcel saying : Delivery delay due to X-RAY controls .
Well there you go,that's pretty conclusive. I wonder if it was x-rayed in Germany or in Italy or both! It certainly makes you wonder about posting film internationally especially as they probably use industrial strength x-rays like they do on luggage which goes in the aircraft hold.

This is the reason why i buy my films in the country i travel to and get the films developed there before i travel back home (both , if possible) . I have done so , when i was in Scotland last year . I had to change the plane 2 times to get back home and everytime you have to pass through the controls , they x-ray your handluggage again (in my case , this was 3 times) . Do that with an exposed ILFORD DELTA 3200 and you will definately have destroyed exposures . So , if there is anybody out there in the community , who has other suggetions or better ideas , you are welcome . By the way , ILFORD gives a warning for the
Then clearly the answer is to carry your film in hand luggage and request a "hand inspection".(show them the label, if necessary). Just be sure to get to Security in plenty of time
I always carry my film in hand luggage, as probably everyone does. I stuff my pockets with it and walk through - so far OK. The only times I have asked for hand inspection (not very often I must admit and I can't remember where, except definitely in Bangkok), I have been refused and pointed to the sign which says that the machine does not harm film.
There was a discussion about this on this forum some years ago when an American lawyer said it is your unequivocal right to have a hand inspection. I have doubts as to whether this works in practice especially in the current frenzied climate. You also have to be pretty thick skinned to hold up the queue.
I think that inside the U.S. you can request a hand scan - when I took pitures of friends' wedding in Hawaii, I just passed my film to the person by the X-ray each time, stating it was film. The first guy didn't even open the boxes, just passed them on. The next time they opened every one of the rolls (the foil they were in) and checked. Otherwise, no problems at all with hand scans.

Well, I suppose that there could be plastic explosive in the films??!! (one potential bomber had it in his shoe!) so you can in a way understand them taking all precautions and in fact I'm all for thoroughness if it protects us since there seem to be so many nasty people about - what a shame though and how things have changed from the relatively carefree way we used to be. The sad thing is that we all (especially younger people who have never known anything different) get used to all this security and it becomes the norm.

It sounds a good idea though, simply to pass film through separately saying it is film and being up front about it. I still think though that in places other the US, the officials will say to put it though the machine. Then you have to or have a big argument which you might not want to do in some less than friendly places, especially if you don't speak the language.

If they wanted to be really thorough, they might open cassettes and undo roll film, Heaven forbid.

Maybe this whole discussion leads to a reason to go digital.

If I ever go "digital", rest assured it wont be as a result of 9/11!

I don't know the mechanics involved but when I have my camera inspected at Security, they "dab" it with some kind of wand; check it in some type of machine and hand it back to me. Why could this not be done with a brick of film? Or for that matter, individual rolls?
I have always been asked by the Security folks if it's okay for them to do this. I don't know what the procedure would be if I refused, perhaps an x-ray. Maybe even a "more thorough" search!!!!!!!!
Anyone have answers to this dabbing practice ?
Thank you
As I understand it, the "dabbing" is to check for explosive residue. Just about any pyrotechnic device is going to have some residue on it. As for refusing the "dabbing" - that is just asking to have a cavity search and to have your camera and film taken apart piece by piece (and they do have the authority to do that). I had no problem with them opening all of the foil film wrappings (other than I had to buy some aluminum foil to re-wrap them). They didn't expose any film and the short time in the open certainly didn't have any noticeable affect on their shelf life.
I still remember my first flight (by myself) in the 60's - I was going to Colorado and had a rifle with me (in a case over my shoulder) it was only after I was on the plane and asked where I could stow it that anyone even paid attention to it (other than my fellow passengers - that was during the Cuban hijacking days). Times have changed and we need to change with them.