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CW Winder Remote not working?


The remote will not fire the camera. The remote battery checks out at 80%, the contacts have been cleaned and the small red indicator light shows upon pushing the button.

The winder switch is set for RC and the dark slide is removed.

Anyone have any comment on the source of the problem? Is it with the remote or the main switch or receptor in the handle?

All other functions of the winder work fine.

Can you release the camera without the winder?
In other words does the film back allow more exposures ormaybe the film back is past the last frame?
Can you release the camera without the winder?
In other words does the film back allow more exposures ormaybe the film back is past the last frame?

Yes, the camera is fine in every respect. The winder works with the film back on or off at all settings except RC.

The film back is only at exposure 7.

Ron, don't know if it will solve your problem but you might try re-programming the winder for your remote. I've misplaced my manual so I can't give you the exact sequence but it was something like holding down both the winder and remote buttons (at the same time) for several seconds. Maybe someone else can post the instructions. In any event, it can't hurt to give it a try.

Ron, don't know if it will solve your problem but you might try re-programming the winder for your remote. I've misplaced my manual so I can't give you the exact sequence but it was something like holding down both the winder and remote buttons (at the same time) for several seconds. Maybe someone else can post the instructions. In any event, it can't hurt to give it a try.

That is the correct method..both buttons for 3-4 secs.

In the winder CW manual it reads as follows :

To transfer the specific IR Remote control code to the winder proceed as follows
1) Attach winder (with batteries)
2) Switch to RC
3) Aim the IR remote control at the IR window on winder
4) Depress both winder and IR Remote control release button at same time
for 3-4seconds .
In the winder CW manual it reads as follows :

To transfer the specific IR Remote control code to the winder proceed as follows
1) Attach winder (with batteries)
2) Switch to RC
3) Aim the IR remote control at the IR window on winder
4) Depress both winder and IR Remote control release button at same time
for 3-4seconds .

That did the trick.........

Thanks jotloob, steve and mike for all your help.
