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Crank Winder for 500 EL


New Member
Hi to all,

I'm just wandering if the electric 500 EL could be modified for a manual crank winder, as I'm not to fussed over the electric motor at times.
Would this mod mean losing mirror lockup ?

I know I could just get a Manual 500 Model, but my beautiful EL is immaculate and I don't particularly want to buy an expensive unknown.

If anybody has any information, greatly appreciated..

Thanks, Paul..
500 el

I would not even try to modify a good looking 500 EL body.
This attempt will almost certainly ruin a perfect early EL camera.

There are several alternatives for the original Hasselblad batteries.
Powering the EL with those options can be done without modifying the camera.

If you prefer a body without winder the amount of good 500 C/M bodies for sale at friendly prices is overwhelming.
Hi to all,

I'm just wandering if the electric 500 EL could be modified for a manual crank winder, as I'm not to fussed over the electric motor at times.
Would this mod mean losing mirror lockup ?

I know I could just get a Manual 500 Model, but my beautiful EL is immaculate and I don't particularly want to buy an expensive unknown.

If anybody has any information, greatly appreciated..

Thanks, Paul..

The inner construction on the EL is very different from a manual driven camera. Forget converting them.

See this

The "EL" body has particulary well integred the winder. The only bad point is batteries that may be modified for usual ones.
The "EL" has electrical shuter, so ont only winder has to be modified.

BTW the battery are not on a side like the newer winder, so it helps for stability.
Anyway the winder add noise to the natural Hasselblad noise !
I guess this sums it up.
Not a good idea to covert an EL body but understandable as the body looks quite similar to a non motorised version.

Pauls question was quite smart. It saves him from a butchered EL body that deserves a better future.
EL cameras are relatively rare. They are beginning to be collectors items.
The EL was the first specially designed camera for NASA.
Crank Winder for EL 500

HI Guy's, Thanks for taking time out for the reply..

Well, I guess that my old EL is going to stay in it's original condition, just as it has been for the past 40 years. It was just a thought I had. Love the design, just not to fussy about the motor noise as it attracts attention at times.

Seems not to be a popular conversion.. The only mod that I have done was to use a single standard PP3 9v Battery, works really well simple to construct and very cheap.

Response to polypal.

Unsure about cheap Hasselblads in the UK. Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places, although I have seen some good deals on eBay from the states, but with the import taxes and import duty and postal charges there goes the cheap deal. I guess I just like to physically see and hold things before I make my mind up. I can't honestly say I've ever seen anything with the genuine Hasselblad name on it to be cheap in Britain.

Well, the old blad is still my pride and joy, more so than the digital kit, just as long as Fuji keep producing Velvia it will always have a place in my bag..

Thank you all again for your comments. Take care chaps. Paul..
500 C/M bodies are indeed pretty scarce with larger traders in the UK.
I did find quite a few at though.
It should be possible to grab one in good clean condition for around 200-300 GBP.
Maybe is a better source for a 500 C/M body.
I am sure Germans do not mind shipping their Hasselblad bodies to the UK.
DHL charges less than 16 GBP to deliver a small parcel with a 500 C/M across the channel.
