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CR 0 CR1.5 CR3 CR6 vs skylight 81A...


A small introduction. I have been using hasselblad for about 15 years now, primarily with focal plane series and F lenses. Mostly nature and tramping has been my use of the camera. Coming from northern Sweden originally this type of photography has always been close to my heart.

I have a small question about the properties of Hasselblad CR series. What is the corresponding filter in the skylight and 81A.. etc world with the Hasselblad CR0, CR1.5, CR3 and CR6 filters? Somebody told me that a CR 1.5 corresponds to skylight - is this correct? It is not very clear from Hasselblads documentation how the effects of their various filters. Hence I thought this would be a valuable post.

I'd also like to take the chance of thanking everybody on this forum. I've learned a lot and really enjoyed reading posts.

Hello Ronald,

The CR range are filters that give a "warmer" image.
They are often called skylight filters although I think that is not a correct classification.

Thanks for the compliment about the forum.
It is well earned by all those who contribute by either asking questions or answering them.


The CR 1.5 is a skylight filter .
It protects against strong UV light in mountain areas . Also it gives a slightly warmer tone when shooting portraits with a flashlight system .
Very often flashlight produces a colder light than 5500K and then a 81B filter might be required .

B+W and also HELIOPAN have good information about the use of these filters , sometimes also called "warming filters" , on their home pages .
A CR 1.5 is actually an 81A. Very slight warming. A skylight is very slightly pink. I don't know if Hasselblad ever made one. I guess they did, it was labeled UV/SKY. Terry

I have a SERIESVII drop in filter , which is marked UV -0 and that filter is made of a very light green glas .

Please have a look to the attached PDF . It is written in english .

View attachment 592

Hi Jurgen,

I think Hasselblad and Heliopan designation are different. I am uploading a page from a Hasselblad dealer price list with their filter specs.



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Thanks Terry,

This is exactly the answer I wanted. For me a 81A as CR1.5 as seen in your attachment is not skylight in my world but warmer.

So Paul you were right that hese two filters are not directly comparable.

Since color properties are very important for people who wants the best color fidelity from their glass - so is the knowledge of what the filters produce. I find that discussions about filter properties are getting less and less in the digital world. Even there a proper use of filters gives a larger dynamic range of colors or color gradation. Reason - its the raw picture from the sensor thats the basis of the dynamic range - larger change in white balance after the picture has been taken can never give as good a result as when the smallest possible correction is necessary. A fundamental thats learned by students studying digital data processing. Therefore using filters in the way people did in the film time is still a good advice if one strives for "best possible quality" in the picture.

Anyhow, many thanks for the answers,
