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Considering lens for 907X and CFV100C


New Member
As a new owner of 907X with CFV100C, I am now considering which lenses I would acquire. Currently, I have a XCD 45/3.5, a moderate wide angle in this format. I will buy XCD 28p once stock is available. Meanwhile. I think of using Rodenstock and Schneider lenses as I shot in 4x5 format in the past 30 years. Schneider Digitar and Rodenstock HR Digaron-S and HR Digaron-W lenses come to my mind. Understand the fact that XCD lens is auto focus, I just wonder if the lenses, so called LF lens, from Rodenstock and Schneider will produce better images than those of XCD lens.

I did try Linhof Techno with APO-Digitar XL 5.6/47mm in a dealer shop with my CFV100C, I had a not-too-bad result. Would it be better to use Rodenstock lens? Or do I have to stick to XCD lens? All I need is sharpest image for I view photo on pc screen where I can enlarge the image to100%. If the image is not sharp enough, I could notice at once.



  • DSC_7822 (1).JPG
    DSC_7822 (1).JPG
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Hi. The only thing I would think of, is the rolling shutter issue. Besides the native X lenses, only the adapted H lenses use the leaf shutter. As far as I know, all the other adapted lenses (including the Hasselblad V lenses) can only be used with the CFV electronic shutter, meaning that you would be able to shoot only static or very slowly moving subjects.
It is correct that 907X electronic shutter would be an issue. My idea is to attach CFV 100C to a technical/view camera, such as Techno or Cambo, so make use of the shutter on the LF lens. My only concern is if LF lens, as I mentioned above, better than XCD lens.
As a new owner of 907X with CFV100C, I am now considering which lenses I would acquire. Currently, I have a XCD 45/3.5, a moderate wide angle in this format. I will buy XCD 28p once stock is available. Meanwhile. I think of using Rodenstock and Schneider lenses as I shot in 4x5 format in the past 30 years. Schneider Digitar and Rodenstock HR Digaron-S and HR Digaron-W lenses come to my mind. Understand the fact that XCD lens is auto focus, I just wonder if the lenses, so called LF lens, from Rodenstock and Schneider will produce better images than those of XCD lens.

I did try Linhof Techno with APO-Digitar XL 5.6/47mm in a dealer shop with my CFV100C, I had a not-too-bad result. Would it be better to use Rodenstock lens? Or do I have to stick to XCD lens? All I need is sharpest image for I view photo on pc screen where I can enlarge the image to100%. If the image is not sharp enough, I could notice at once.


Can you please describe , what you mean by "not-too-bad result" ? ? ? What kind of test images did you take ? ? ?
The 907X with CFV100C, the supplied flash sync cable, connections to the CFV100C back and lens, leaf shutter exposures are possible.