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Cleaning and care of camera


New Member
I had my camera out on the coast this weekend. While it didn't get wet, there was a great deal of spray. I noticed that my eye glasses were a little crusted over afterwards, so I figure the camera probably has the same crusting. What do I need to do to clean and care for it after having taken it in such an environment (beach)?
>I know the problem as I have glasses! Those sea breezes off the surf do deposit salt on all surfaces, dependent on how long they are exposed. I suggest just wiping the camera with a d& cloth. Not wet, but enough to remove the tiny bit of salt. Glass surfaces, if they have been exposed, might need a touch of preferably distilled water (or maybe lens cleaning fluid will do) for cleaning as they will tend to smear otherwise, but basically clean as normal.Be very careful of stray grains of sand; they have a remarkable ability to get into all sorts of little corners.
Djana, can I add to Nick's good advice the following:

Keep in mind that salt is in itself very abrasive as well as corrosive. So a well d& microfibre type of cloth is important. But that cloth (many versions in supermarkets that are of microfibre type) for this purpose should be quite thick so that the salt trapped is not remaining on the surface of the cloth and scratching away at the glass or metal surfaces.

So, what I do is use such a d& cloth first - just d&ened with water. Then I use spectacles liquid cleaner on the filter surfaces to properly clean remaining moisture and streaks off the glass. Then I polish the glass with a separate clean dry microfibre cloth of the spectacles cleaning type.

It's very important to do the first cleaning with a well d&ened cloth. The d&ness and thickness of the non-abrasive cloth type both help ensure no abrasion as well as good removal of salt. To just use a dry cloth in the first instance could be damaging and certainly will not remove all the salt.

Equally I wipe over all the equipment to ensure no residual salt as much as possible. Then I pull apart the body into its components and equally wipe the surfaces that cl& together since minute amounts of salt can get between them since Hassy gear is not "sealed" from moisture and dust.

It's a bit "anal" I know, but very reassuring. I also do all this immediately I return from a seaside shoot. In fact I carry the d& thick microfibre cloth in a plastic bag and between stops give the body a quick wipe over if there was much wind or spray about.

Finally, remember when cleaning your spectacles after such an event the first clean should always be a light rinse under running warm water - this ensures no risk of abrasion (even with scratch resistant coatings). Then a clean with spectacles cleaning fluid to wipe away streaks etc.
A quick question regarding Hasslelbad use in sandy would posit that it is in exactly such a setting that the use of the "uv" lens filter would be indicated to protect the glass. On return home, remove the protective filter, clean it, and away one goes without any worry about the lens coating. Ordinarily I do not use such a filter, but why not use one when concerned about blowing sand?

As a general rule I ALWAYS use a UV filter whenever I am out in a potentially damaging environment - seaside/coastal, sandy, dusty and such places. A quality UV filter will not degrade the image in anway. Hassy lens hoods are so generous there is little (if any) risk of promoting flare my having glass that few mm forward (unlike Leica M lenses where care should be taken).

These days with modern multi-coated lenses UV filters really only offer protection benefits. I say this with the only exception being the newer MRC filters by B&W which have a moisture resistant coating that also resist moisture during a shoot making lens wipes much less frequent.

If there is lots of dust and/or sand and/or seaspray blowing around I avoid lens and even back changes. Or, I take an old changing bag with me and use it for weather proof changes.
Lens protection>

Some years ago I was walking westbound on PCH, near Main Street in Huntington Beach, Ca. after a vehicle past I immediately noticed a blur on my eyeglasses. I removed my prescription Bausch & Lomb eyeglasses and noticed a pit. The pit was directly in line with the center of my right pupil. I was more than happy to purchase a new pair of eyeglasses.

I would also prefer to purchase an expensive filter than a lens.